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[Resuelto] PETG adhesion issue  

Eminent Member
PETG adhesion issue

New MK4 has printed PLA and TPU flawlessly for days. I cannot get PETG to stick to textured sheet or satin sheet, wiped with alcohol, washed with warm water and dawn. It barely sticks and starts knocking off what little does stick. I've tried two different Prusament PETG, dried @ 55C for 5+ hours, neither will adhere. Switched back to PLA and it prints flawlessly again.

Using 5.0 alpha 4.

Any ideas on things to try would be greatly appreciated. 

Respondido : 06/08/2023 7:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

I've seen some issues with pETG and PCCF. You can manually adjust live Z by long pressing on the LCD dial. Try -0.02, -0.04 etc to see what works. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 06/08/2023 9:54 pm
Trusted Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

Watching this thread.  Waiting for my MK4.

When I had trouble printing PETG with my MK3S, on the textured sheet, I sprayed the sheet with Dawn, let it sit for a few seconds then rubbed the sheet with my fingers for a while then rinsed it off while still rubbing with my fingers, then dried with unscented soft paper towels, then used the bed heat to do the final drying, then start printing.  Works very well.  Only touch the edges of the sheet to clean, dry, and install.

I have not had very much luck using isopropyl alcohol.

Respondido : 07/08/2023 12:08 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG adhesion issue

Fortunately/unfortunately figured out the problem. It was a slicer setting. I have plans to print a lot more PETG so I'll post any issues I see, but after restarting prusaslicer and re-slicing, it prints flawlessly again.  

Respondido : 07/08/2023 3:38 pm
jseyfert3 me gusta
Active Member

I also think there's an issue. On a satin sheet I have to correct Z by -0.03, on a TXT sheet by -0.04 to -0.05. On the smooth PEI sheet it's working fine. I just see that after going to the 5.0.0 alpha versions. I think it's not compensating for the surface correctly.

Of course, there might be other reasons for such symptoms too: i.e. underextrusion caused by a partly clogged nozzle or setting the printing temperature too low. But I see that also with a fresh nozzle and perfect temperature.

Posted by: @fuchsr

I've seen some issues with pETG and PCCF. You can manually adjust live Z by long pressing on the LCD dial. Try -0.02, -0.04 etc to see what works. 


Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 2 years por thomers
Respondido : 12/08/2023 8:04 am
Active Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

I know this is 8 months old - but I am struggling with a similar problem.

Printing PETG on the textured sheet is nearly enough, but not quite. Using prusalicer's standard prusament PETG settings (85/90C bed temp) and no bed preparation, my prints unstick mid-print or lift the corners if large enough. PLA on the satin sheet is absolutely fine.

I'm on firmware 5.1.2.


Respondido : 15/03/2024 2:48 pm
Bruce Labitt
Estimable Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

Have you tried a glue stick?  I have used AquaMist Professional Unscented Hairspray on my satin sheet.  Which give reasonable adhesion and allows release.

Unlike you, I had over adhesion issues with PETG on the satin sheet.  The AquaMist worked amazingly well.  For tall thin prints, or any big wide ones, I recommend using a brim, I have used 10mm brims and it holds the part down fairly well.

Full procedure I use is:

  1. Wash satin sheet with Dawn detergent and a plastic bristle brush.  Dry.
  2. Place dried sheet on printer.  Use 99% isopropyl alcohol to clean sheet.
  3. Lightly spray with AquaMist
  4. Preheat sheet to dry the AquaMist
  5. Print

I try not to print again in the same place.  If I have to do that, I respray the AquaMist.  Hope this helps.  If you can't get AquaMist at least try the glue sticks, they are inexpensive.  Hope this helps.

Respondido : 15/03/2024 5:49 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG adhesion issue

One of my problems I found out about after I posted this was the nozzle had become loose in the heater block. Tightening this solved my problem.

When I'm having adhesion issues, 9 out of 10 times washing the build plate with dish soap (like Dawn) works. 

Good luck! 

Respondido : 15/03/2024 5:52 pm
Active Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't tried the glue stick yet. I was following reports from other people that petg on the textured sheet sticks well enough, and indeed I had this on my mk3s. I tried PLA today on the textured sheet and it was quite loose when I came back to it, which could be suggestive of the sheet height calibration being off?

Of notice, my sheets are the old mk3s' sheets, does anybody know if there are physical differences to the ones that ship with the mk4?

To recap, things to try:

- wash sheet with dishwasher soap; test;

- wash sheet with dishwasher soap; apply glue stick; test; [pretty sure glue stick will solve the adherence issue, but I wanted to leave this to the last resort, particularly on the textured sheet]

- Adjust z-height; test;

- check nozzle isn't loose; test if it was;

People who use glue stick - how do you remove the residue effectively?

Respondido : 15/03/2024 8:32 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG adhesion issue

Also might want to try drying the filament. 

Respondido : 15/03/2024 8:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

Sheets are identical.

Glue stick: I for one don't use glue stick, it's too thick. Yes, you can thin it with ethanol, but I just use Layerneer or Magigoo if I need an adhesion or separation agent.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 15/03/2024 8:53 pm

Almost always, PETG adhesion can be solved by taking the sheet and washing it in hot water using a couple drops of pure dish soap like Dawn.


Very hot water, use a fresh new paper towel to wash. Scrub well, then rinse under the hottest water you can stand, handle the sheet by the edges. It is clean when water sheets off the entire surface. Towel dry with a new fresh paper towel.

Bake dry on the printer at 80C for a bit is you are concerned about water getting into the sputtered texture.


Respondido : 15/03/2024 9:08 pm
Bruce Labitt
Estimable Member

I just tried the glue stick.  It is too thick if you press on it hard.  You need to lightly kiss the surface with the stick.  I'm sure there are better products, but it worked fine.  When the print cooled down I heard a crack, and that was the print separating from the satin plate.  The glue stuck to nearly the same percentage area on the base as the AquaMist.  Probably over 95%.

Respondido : 15/03/2024 9:36 pm
Estimable Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

PETG on Satin sheet has become my my go-to for anything . No problems whatsoever. I wipe sheet with IPA before printing. Printed object   sticks as hell while the bed is hot but comes off easily when the sheet cools down. If I 'forget' to wipe the sheets few times in a roewxthe print comes off (too?) easily.

Respondido : 15/03/2024 10:08 pm
Chris Hill
Estimable Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue

Regarding glue stick being too thick, rubbing it with a wet paper towel until it becomes a 'slurry', with no high spots, works well.  This spreads it out very evenly, and the heat bed then dries it so that you can barely tell it's there.  Wetting the plate slightly with a paper towel before applying the glue stick has a similar effect, but it's not quite as effective as wetting it afterwards.

Respondido : 16/03/2024 2:37 am
Reputable Member
RE: PETG adhesion issue


Sounds silly but works like a charm! Got2b Glued or really any firm hold spray. 

Respondido : 16/03/2024 4:12 pm