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Organic supports  

Jamie Loft
New Member
Organic supports

Now i could print this model using grid supports but frankly they cause more damage than letting so over hangs but is there a way to reduce the size of the bases of organic supports?

What is I just sent it to print - would it refuse or would the bits outside of tool path just not get printed?


Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2024 2:54 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Organic supports

Yes.  The setting is called first layer expansion, it is an expert/red level setting and by default it is set to 3mm on most prusa profiles.  Print Settings>Support Material>Support Material>First Layer Expansion. Personally as I don't have an issue with bed adhesion mine is set to zero.  The setting applies to all support types.

With the red warning like that PS will refuse to slice the gcode so you cant send it to print anyway.  If you could generate the gcode the machine would try and move to somewhere outside the bounds and you would get motor/belt grinding and depending on your belt tensions skipped steps or a tooth jump on the belt.  Basically it wouldn't be pretty.

Btw don't bother with grid, use snug, its much better. and if your supports are damaging the parts that much then it sounds like you aren't using the correct settings for your filament.  

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2024 5:10 pm
Jamie Loft
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Organic supports

damage is probably the wrong word but before organic they left marks on the windowsil - organic supports start from the build plate

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2024 5:25 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Organic supports

The printer should be able to handle these small bridges even without supports. I recommend that you cut out a piece of the wall with a window in the slicer and try to print that piece without supports to see if it works.

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2024 6:26 pm