Nozzle hitting objects and inconsistend layers.
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Nozzle hitting objects and inconsistend layers.  

Albert Wiatr
Nozzle hitting objects and inconsistend layers.

Few days ago i,ve assembled MK4. After few hours of printing nozzle started to scrub over printed parts. Problem is getting worse as print progresses. Also you can see change of layer texture within the same layer. Does anyone had the same problem?

Opublikowany : 09/05/2024 5:24 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Nozzle hitting objects and inconsistend layers.

have the nozzle retaining screws become loose?


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 09/05/2024 8:53 am
Albert Wiatr
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle hitting objects and inconsistend layers.

No, i have checked it. They are tight and there is 2mm gap between heatblock and extruder, like in instructions.

Opublikowany : 09/05/2024 8:59 am
Active Member
RE: Nozzle hitting objects and inconsistend layers.

G'day Albert, I've just started experiencing the same issue albeit not as severe as your case. I upgraded my Mk3s+ to Mk4 and have had good results for a couple of weeks but now finding that there is a noticeable light click as the nozzle lightly touches the grid pattern of the previous layer (this only occurs when the extruder is traversing on the X/Y diagonal). I've checked the Nextruder assembly and it is sitting in the extruder as per build instructions (I also built an Mk4 and have compared the upgraded Mk4 against it and tolerances are the same).

Did you find a solution for the problem you were experiencing?

Opublikowany : 21/06/2024 2:11 pm
RE: Nozzle hitting objects and inconsistend layers.

I have see the same issue (this is with a prebuilt). I also think that i hear the extruder raking across prints on occasion. I look forward to hearing an answer.


Opublikowany : 09/07/2024 2:37 pm
Active Member

Might be anecdotal, but I saw this on a print the other day and realized I had selected a different filament (Prusament vs Jessie) that had a 5° difference in temps, cleared the problem right up. With the problem config I was seeing the stringing and globing that I see in your third pic which is why I thought I would mention it. Good luck!

Posted by: @albert-wiatr

Few days ago i,ve assembled MK4. After few hours of printing nozzle started to scrub over printed parts. Problem is getting worse as print progresses. Also you can see change of layer texture within the same layer. Does anyone had the same problem?


Opublikowany : 09/07/2024 6:29 pm