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Model on model supports not adhering
So I'm using a Mk4, with input shaper, and PLA.
In this model that I'm doing, I have model-on-model supports enabled - but the supports aren't adhering to the print very well and the filament starts to pool around the nozzle and get dragged around. Any ideas?
Napsal : 19/01/2024 3:16 pm
RE: Model on model supports not adhering
How about uploading your settings here? File -> SaveAs *3mf. Then pack it into a *.zip file and attach it to the post. The forum does not accept file types other than *.zip.
Napsal : 19/01/2024 3:26 pm
Topic starter
RE: Model on model supports not adhering
Heya! I've attached the file below, cheers!
Napsal : 19/01/2024 4:10 pm
Topic starter
RE: Model on model supports not adhering
Turns out it was some dodgy print settings applied by someone else - standard settings solved the issue.
Napsal : 02/02/2024 11:42 am