how can I print like this? Prusa MK4 | Prusa slicer
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how can I print like this? Prusa MK4 | Prusa slicer  

how can I print like this? Prusa MK4 | Prusa slicer

hi there!

I'm using Prusa MK4 and I wonder how can I set up the extrusion amount (and accordingly the printing speed) so I print like the images and video attached. I think the printing in the images are made by custom gcode, which is very difficult to generate for Prusa. I know the Prusa Slicer have a lot of seating so I wonder if someone here know how can I manipulate the printer so I get this kind of print.

I'm using 0.4 nozzle

video printing example RPReplay_Final1725731786


Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2024 8:20 am
Illustrious Member

It's strangely refreshing to be asked for the exact opposite of the usual quest for impossible detail/accuracy.

It's just vase mode with a very large layer height, extreme extrusion volumes and a specialist filament.

You would have to override several built-in protection limits in the slicer - and it would be easier to to design the resulting spiral shape to print conventionally, but it could be done.

If you just want threads as in your second picture then most CAD programs have libraries for many of the common, useful profiles.  You may need to test print a short thread to find the ideal tolerance but with 0.4mm nozzles 0.2mm is a good starting point.


Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2024 3:17 pm
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