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Having Trouble with a PETG print  

Active Member
Having Trouble with a PETG print

The file is a drawing of a cover that I'm doing for an enclosure. I'm choosing to print in PETG because it is supposed to be a hard case enclosure that could be left in a car or out in the sun. If there are better materials I could use that are easier to print please let me know. I'm still new to 3D printing. I'm trying to print with a higher level of infill (80%) for strength and water tightness but I've tried as low as 60% as proof of concept - the print still fails with a layer shift eventually.

1. I have the printer in an enclosure with a fan to remove heat.

2.Nozzle Heater is failing on calibration but it still seems to print small PETG parts fine and all of my PLA items. I don't know why the nozzle heater is failing in calibration but I think that probably isn't causing this issue. It would help if the MK4 calibration would point to mechanism that failed like "heating up rate" or "cooling rate" or "did not achieve expected max temperature" but alas - it works for printing rn so idk if it is the cause of the problem.

3. I'm using a 0.6 mm diamond back nozzle. Perhaps the PETG is sticking to the flat face of the diamond nozzle and compromising the extrusion?

4. The first layer SEEMS to do fine although I have noticed that the solid layers have an unusual matt finish

5. I'm using black overture PETG from amazon

6. I'm using the original printing sheet and spraying a light coat of hairspray to protect the PEI.

7. I'm using the default Prusa PETG filament profile in prusa slicer with some adjustments like a 3 loop skirt (because it tends to botch the initial purge extrusion) and 60-80% infill.

I've tried to print it about 4 times and I get a massive layer shift eventually (I assume this is because the nozzle eventually hits the print and the stepper motors slip). I did notice that the nozzle seems to be dragging across the layers as it prints higher and higher. Is it possible that the print is warping and bending the sheet with it (because it does not come off the bed)? The corners do seem to have artifacts that resemble peeling off but I've seen that before without failure of the print. Help?

Questa discussione è stata modificata 2 years fa da JCisMe
Postato : 27/08/2023 2:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

MainCov - Copy


here is the file 3mf

Postato : 27/08/2023 3:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

here's the picture because the jpg files I tried to add on the original post aren't working for me.

Postato : 27/08/2023 3:06 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

Which printer? 

Postato : 27/08/2023 7:05 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

MK4 did I post into the wrong place?

Postato : 27/08/2023 7:14 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

No, it’s just that the way the first layer is calibrated and printed is completely different

Postato : 28/08/2023 12:08 am
Eminent Member
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

Try 3 or more perimeters and infill of ~ 20%. That should give you a much faster print and will be stronger 

Postato : 28/08/2023 12:20 am
Active Member
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

Can anyone explain the layer-shift?  I'm experiencing similar issues.

Postato : 09/12/2023 3:22 pm
Active Member

See my response this post. I was having a similar issue and I am using a diamondback like you. I was having collisions either rip off the part or cause major layer shifts. The smooth sheet holds petg pretty good, so smooth sheets usually resulted in layer shifts.

Questo post è stato modificato 1 year fa da DradisPrints
Postato : 13/12/2023 4:23 am
Active Member
RE: Having Trouble with a PETG print

I was having a similar problem ( layer shift ) and I finally figured out it was due to the USB drive I was using.  I ended up putting in the original Prusa USB drive and everything printed fine.  Put my Verbatim drive in and it would fail.  Same place, every time.   Since then I've been using the original Prusa USB drive until last month when I moved completely over to using Prusa Connect.  With Prusa Connect I been testing a Sandisk USB drive and have not had any layer shifting issues but I'm also only putting a single file at a time on the drive and only using bgcode.   I think that there is an opportunity here for Prusa to add a checksum check before printing to ensure that the gcode isn't corrupt off the disk.

Postato : 24/02/2024 8:39 pm