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WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?  

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Estimable Member
WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

Read a comment that said the ability to transfer files on th MK4 will likely be Very Slow? Possibly equivalent to the Mini?

Possibly the MK4 will be restricted to what I think seems low transfer speeds?

Transfer speeds

There are multiple factors affecting the overall performance (signal quality, USB flash drive speed, etc.). The transfer speed from your computer to the printer should be around 250-300 KB/s over the Ethernet and 45-100 KB/s over the Wi-Fi.

 Can anyone explain this a bit please, and if its a even a concern with the expediency to print a "Reasonably Sized" file?

Is the WiFi transfer for the MK4 going be hamstrung with these low speeds?

Is there a place to see the Wifi transfer speeds explicitly for the MK4 somewhere?


On my MK3 I use the Flash Air card, and it is nearly instant even on larger models and populated on the print from SD menu.

With the stated speed above will there be any appreciable delay in time to print, even if its seconds of delay?


As a feature request, is there any hope of a "Receive and start printing immediately" setting from Prusa Slicer to the printer? 

Is that possibly a feature others might want to streamline printing a model? rather than having to go over to the printer, open the menu, scroll down, click the model, and then wait for all the preflight protocols?


Also would really like a setting that would allow the printer to preheat to a desired filament type when turned on!

Or even a prompt that would allow a one touch preheat filament type that would time out if not interacted with at startup!



Posted : 15/04/2023 5:06 pm
gasperis liked
Estimable Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

The Mini, likely Mk4 and XL has slow speeds. This not to do with the WiFi module as such but the implementation on the buddy board to get the data to the USB stick. I can’t see this changing any time soon.

So you could still use the FlashAir card connected to a USB card reader, and do what you now. You could maybe couple this with using PrusaConnect to then start the print… however the best option at this time is probably to use OctiPrint.

Posted : 15/04/2023 5:15 pm
Trusted Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

There is literally a thread titled "Slow Wifi" on the first page.

Posted : 15/04/2023 5:21 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:

If true (I don't doubt it, just hard to accept) that seems like a Really Large Oversight !?!

Why would the transfer speeds via Wifi allowed to be SO Slow when they have control over both the hardware and software?

Unless I am completely off base and misunderstand how most the common users will use these, WiFi access to transfer files is the primary way these will be used?

I dont have one in hand, so can't speculate how real world use will be, but it sounds like it will be a obvious delay to use what I think are normal files?

I have a 39.7MB on a upcoming long might that take to transfer over the WiFi that the MK4 has?


On the low side of above transfer speeds, a quick data transfer calculator said ~15 minutes to transfer this file for me !? That doesn't sound reasonable...

Perplexed how a KEY feature would be allowed to be crippled like that if true.

Posted : 15/04/2023 5:28 pm
gasperis liked
Trusted Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

If you would look at the other thread titled "Slow Wifi" or look in the Prusa Connect/Prusa Link forum at the MK4 thread, there is more discussion around the stupid technical implementation Prusa chose.  It's far beyond unacceptably slow and there isn't a big speed to fix it.  My X1C can transfer an 80MB file in 2-3 seconds.  My MK4 can transfer a 1MB file in about 5 minutes.

Posted : 15/04/2023 5:33 pm
gasperis liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

Looking for that thread now.


Posted : 15/04/2023 5:35 pm
Richard Kramer
Active Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

I have tried getting my MK4 connected to Octoprint. When I transfer a file & start printing it Octoprint times itself out stopping my print. The print print is okay from the flash drive but not with Octoprint

Any help appreciated in getting it up and running

This is my pi " Raspberry Pi 4 Complete Kit with Pi 4 Model B 8GB RAM Board, 128GB Micro SD Card, "

Posted : 20/06/2023 3:09 am
Reputable Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

I have my MK4 up and running.  Transfering via Wifi with PrusaLink a 13mb file,  took about 2 minutes.  The PrusaLink software is  Beta, there are still connection timeouts on the printer end , and other problems I found.   Once the software is at a production level, we may get a better data rate. 

Posted : 23/06/2023 9:07 pm
Honorable Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

What is the performance like with wired Ethernet?  The mini can be wired, what about the mk4?

Posted : 24/06/2023 2:40 am
Reputable Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?
Posted by: @milehigh3der

What is the performance like with wired Ethernet?  The mini can be wired, what about the mk4?

The MK4 can also use wired ethernet.   There is a selection in the settings to use wifi or wired networks.   The Wifi card plugs in and can be removed if desired. 

The Wifi is 2.4G max.  

Posted : 24/06/2023 12:09 pm
Active Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

I made some test yesterday with my mk4

24mb gcode transfert from Prusaslicer to:

Prusalink on my rpi4 (for my mk3s): 4seconds

Prusaling WIFI on my mk4: 6min40

Prusalink ethernet on my mk4: 04min15


Note that this total print time is around 15h for this file so the transfer time is not really adding up. For smaller part it is still slow but as the file is smaller it is still ok. 

It is a bit disappointing as it feels like a downgrade but the benefit of having prusalink integrated in the system is a real plus. I am using prusalink on my mk3s since a certain time and it has replaced octoprint for me without any inconvenience. 

Posted : 29/06/2023 8:15 am
anza liked
Prominent Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

Considering my printer is housed on my desk next to my laptop, its quicker for me to just use the USB drive! lol

I assume with either wifi or wireless, the entire GCode file gets transferred across to the printer prior to printing, so the host computer can be switched off and the printer will continue to print as normal? In other words, the entire file just gets copied across to the USB plugged into the printer, and then printing begins?

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Posted : 29/06/2023 9:54 am
Reputable Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

That's how it works on my MINI+, so I would assume yes.

Posted by: @iftibashir

Considering my printer is housed on my desk next to my laptop, its quicker for me to just use the USB drive! lol

I assume with either wifi or wireless, the entire GCode file gets transferred across to the printer prior to printing, so the host computer can be switched off and the printer will continue to print as normal? In other words, the entire file just gets copied across to the USB plugged into the printer, and then printing begins?


Posted : 30/06/2023 1:05 pm
Reputable Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

I installed firnware 4.7.0 on the MK4.  Transfer hangups are gone and I can now start the printer reliably from Prusalink.  Many PrusaLink bug fixes.  File  transfer speed to the USB has not changed.  PrusaLink still has a Beta flag on it.    My WiFi is hooked up to 2.4G, the max the WiFi card supports.    I believe the file transfer speed is driven by the internal transfer to the USB card, not the WiFi speed itself.   I see no lag in Monitoring the Printer with PrusaLink WiFi connection.

Posted : 01/07/2023 2:59 pm
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

I tried transferring a 1.2MB file via PrusaLink to my brand new MK4.  It took over 1 hour!  After double-checking my network and making sure my WiFi was running properly, I then decided to REMOVE THE COVER labeled "WI-FI" from the back to see if the built-in ESP module antenna would get better signal and.... VOILA! The transfer took just a few seconds and that solved my issue with the low transfer. I will print a cover that has the borders only but without the top that seems to be blocking the signal from my access point to the ESP module antenna.

Posted : 14/07/2023 2:29 am
ManelTo liked
Active Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

I guess it's not possible to use Prusalink on a RPi for the MK4, right?

Posted by: @romain-3

I made some test yesterday with my mk4

24mb gcode transfert from Prusaslicer to:

Prusalink on my rpi4 (for my mk3s): 4seconds

Prusaling WIFI on my mk4: 6min40

Prusalink ethernet on my mk4: 04min15


Note that this total print time is around 15h for this file so the transfer time is not really adding up. For smaller part it is still slow but as the file is smaller it is still ok. 

It is a bit disappointing as it feels like a downgrade but the benefit of having prusalink integrated in the system is a real plus. I am using prusalink on my mk3s since a certain time and it has replaced octoprint for me without any inconvenience. 


Posted : 15/07/2023 9:31 am
Active Member

I just uploaded a 28 MB Gcode via Prusalink (Ethernet Connection) to my MK4. I was suprised: it only took about 1 min 20 sec.. Not as fast as Octoprint but acceptable for such a large file. I use the latest Input Shaper Firmware.

Posted : 15/07/2023 3:56 pm
Phantastic Plastic
Eminent Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

Did this work? If so, can you share your design?  I have a hard time believing this is the issue, mine is very close to router and has terrible speed.  I'd like to replace it with an old 56k baud modem I have lying around as I feel that would be an improvement over current throughput. 

Posted : 26/07/2023 1:29 am
Active Member
RE: WiFi File Transfer speeds concerns?

Has anyone heard of any updates about this? It's excruciating. 21 minutes to transfer 25 mb file over ethernet.

Posted : 14/08/2023 1:28 am
Active Member

The new firmware 5.0.0-RC made LAN Upload via Prusalink much slower. With 5.0.0 Alpha 3 (Input Shaper) I had much faster LAN upload speeds.

Posted : 14/08/2023 12:01 pm
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