Where to get the compatible nozzle for the MK4, and frequent nozzle clogging.
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Where to get the compatible nozzle for the MK4, and frequent nozzle clogging.  

Active Member
Where to get the compatible nozzle for the MK4, and frequent nozzle clogging.


I just had a filament clogging issue with my new MK4 (pre-assembled) printer. I was able to sort it out by removing the hot end and pulling out the broken filament inside, if the filament had broken deep inside the hot end, I am not sure how I would have been able to pull it out.

So far this issue has happened twice. It would be helpful if someone could point out the reasons for this.

Also could someone mention out where to to get compatible nozzles for the MK4. The nozzles seems to be longer than the usual ones. 




This topic was modified 1 year temu by arunb
Opublikowany : 22/08/2023 3:38 pm
Active Member
RE: Where to get the compatible nozzle for the MK4, and frequent nozzle clogging.

Sounds like it could be moisture related issues with your filament. I know with the PLA we use for our printers at the lab I work at, they'll snap apart fairly easily if they haven't been dried in a while. 

As far as getting new nozzles, you'll need to grab the adapter off the store so that you can use a normal V6 nozzle with the Nextruder.

We've had a similar situation with our MK3's, where the filament broke off deep inside the extruder, our solution was to try and feed a solid 20awg wire down the filament input and using to force the filament out, I'd imagine the same trick will work on the MK4.

Opublikowany : 22/08/2023 8:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where to get the compatible nozzle for the MK4, and frequent nozzle clogging.

thanks for the tips.

Indeed I think moisture could be the issue here. I am getting RH of 77% percent which is quite high, it gets down to 56% inside the enclosure. What should be the optimal RH? 50% and less?



Opublikowany : 23/08/2023 2:59 am
Noble Member
RE: Where to get the compatible nozzle for the MK4, and frequent nozzle clogging.

Just in case if you have a deep clogg of your hotend and you have it disassembled already because of that, a surprisingly easy way to remove whatever is clogged inside is to put the hotend/PTFE Tube in your oven and heat up to slightly above cold pull target temp, just remove the nozzel beforehand. For PLA for example something around 100 °C or so should be a good starting point. Let the heat thoroughly soak into the part and then take it out and immediately push into the hotend tubing with some filament piece, ideally of a material with higher melting temperature (PC-Blend, or ABS...). If you hit the right temperature, the blocking filament will be still solid but start to get slippery. 

You can also unclogg pure PTFE tube blockades that way because of fat tips/broken filament. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Opublikowany : 23/08/2023 8:18 am
Estimable Member
RE: Where to get the compatible nozzle for the MK4, and frequent nozzle clogging.

You can order theme here 

Opublikowany : 23/08/2023 9:30 am