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Weird Y-Axis Click Fixed (Accidentally?)  

Weird Y-Axis Click Fixed (Accidentally?)

I'm posting this in case it's useful to someone else.  My new pre-assembled MK4 (firmware 5.0.1) was exhibiting a strange intermittent clicking noise coming from the Y-axis.  I could recreate the noise by manually moving the bed back and forth.  Listening closely, it appeared that the noise was coming from the single right side Y-axis bearing.  Thinking I would need to potentially change the bearing, I proceeded to disassemble the Y-axis, starting with loosening and removing the Y-axis belt.  Once the belt was loosened, I removed the Y- belt tensioner and pulled the belt out of the front pulley.  I then decided to set the printer back on its feet and try to move the bed back and forth without the belt being attached.  And guess what - the click was gone!  Thinking it might have something to do with the front pulley assembly, I then removed the front pulley, put some sewing machine oil on the pulley pin (pin h8) and then set about reassembling everything per the guide. Once the Y belt was tensioned per the instructions and online app,  I then proceeded proceeded to move the bed back and forth and voila, the click was gone!   And several prints later, the click is still gone.  

I'm not sure what exactly "fixed" the click, but it appears to have disappeared.   Hopefully this post can assist someone else whose printer is exhibiting similar weird behavior.

Posted : 23/12/2023 8:09 pm
RE: Weird Y-Axis Click Fixed (Accidentally?)

Y-axis belt tension. I had the same problem on a kit, and fixed it by increasing tension.


My diagnostic to discriminate the clicking from nextruder is to run a calibration check: If it clicks without extruding its the belt for whatever axis is being calibrated. Use manual move on the display to confirm. 

Posted : 24/12/2023 5:06 am
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