RE: Possible overheating of the MK4 electronics case inside an enclosure with summer temperatures?
I think there is no need to move the heated air from the board to the outside of the enclosure. A fan on the electronics case is enough. My 80 mm fan is probably already overkill for this. A smaller fan like a 40 mm would probably be enough for this. The important thing is to move the air over the chips on the xBuddy board, as well as putting cooling fins on the stepper driver chips. I have been using my fan mod for about a year and a half now. During that time I have printed a lot of ASA and some PC-CF parts. The overheating error has never occurred again and the board temp is about 20 °C lower than without the fan.
Also I would not like to create a fixed mechanical connection between the printer and the enclosure. The printer could shake loose during operation and will create resonances with the enclosure, I think.
The reason I decided to lead the hot air outside is because the cool air comes from the outside. I wanted to isolate the airflow in order to avoid unnecessary drafts in the enclosure. I have had some issues with larger ASA prints so I did not want to add any additional airmovement in the enclosure.
A 80mm fan would be overkill for my setup and would not even fit ;). One of my goals for this project was to not permanently modify the enclosure. The existing holes on the backplate of the PSU are not large enough to allow enough airflow for more than a 40mm fan.
Btw: This is not a fixed mechanical connection. It is quite flexible due to @cyberpunks “Flexible segmented vacuum hose 40mm” parts ( ). The printer can be moved several cm with this coolingsystem attached without any issues. His flex parts are present on both intake and exhaust. I can even detach the printer from the enclosure without using any tools thanks to this.
RE: Possible overheating of the MK4 electronics case inside an enclosure with summer temperatures?
The thing that restricts further movement are the original enclosures paddings at the bottom. I can even detach the printer from the enclosure using only one hand =)