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Nextruder Clicking noise  

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Reputable Member
RE: Nextruder Clicking noise

My fault. The clicking comes from the Nylon Filament in the Cable harness of the extruder. I forgot to tighten it and the filament was slipped out of the X carriage. 

Posted by: @cloud1983

In my case, the clicking noise keeps coming back after a while. It helps to clean the gearbox, but I would really like to find out the cause of the problem. Is it the motor because after a certain time too much abrasion from the filament accumulates in the gearbox and the motor then has to apply too much force and oversprints?

Clicking Noise 

Posted by: @vincent-4



Veröffentlicht : 13/01/2024 11:57 pm
Active Member
RE: Nextruder Clicking noise

Someone on Reddit hypothesized that it’s the filament itself due to cracking in the extruder. I think it’s a solid theory.

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2024 2:39 am
Reputable Member
RE: Nextruder Clicking noise

In my case, it wasn't the nylon filament after all. I still don't know where it came from. But it is definitely NOT the filament that is cracking in the extruder.It only seems to occur when I move the X-axis. Failed attempts are still running.

Posted by: @vincent-4

Someone on Reddit hypothesized that it’s the filament itself due to cracking in the extruder. I think it’s a solid theory.


Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2024 5:03 am
New Member
RE: Nextruder Clicking noise

I found the issue for my printer! I did 2 cold pull as per the Prusa instruction, than I use a needle the exact same size of my nuzzle (0,4mm needle for a 0,4mm nozzle) and my needle was 3inch (75mm) long to make shure that there is no clogs in the nozzle. I than remove the nozzle from the printer, turn it up side down and I gave gentle taps on a flat surface to make shure that there was no burned filament peaces stuck inside. After that reassemble and purge filament a couple times.  


Also, in the instruction, they are telling you that the iddler tensionner screws need to be flush with the plastic part, but it is way to tight for my printer. The end of my screws are about 2-3mm inside de end of the hole, and since than I have no more clicking and everything works perfectly! When the filament is not charged in the extruder you will find that the iddler door is way to loose, but when you charge the filament it is perfect.

Veröffentlicht : 16/01/2024 6:12 pm
bommerts gefällt das
Active Member
RE: Nextruder Clicking noise

I am also having this slight clicking noise on retractions. I have tried redoing the gearbox-alligment calibration, printing at different speeds and temps and adjusting the extruder tension. The only thing that has eliminated the noise, was regreasing the gearbox gears. But after about 10h of printing time the clicking begins to appear again.

Should I be worried about this noise? Has anyone found a solution to fully eliminate this noise on retractions?

Veröffentlicht : 20/07/2024 7:36 pm

I'm experiencing this clicking noise after having huge failures with my planetary gear system, and tons of failed prints. 

I'm getting very discouraged with my new MK4 (purchased in March) and Prusa should be looking into this.

My nextruder completely failed on me after hundreds of successful prints. I came to it one morning after an overnight print was finishing up to nothing being extruded and the nextruder motor clicking loudly like it was failing to turn. 

When I first got the printer I printed a set of replacement parts for it, so I had some spare pieces ready to go. 

I took apart the nextruder and discovered the grease around the PG was the same color as my filament I was last using. I carefully cleaned the PG and brass ring, in addition to carefully cleaning the extruder motor shaft. 

I replaced the filament feeder piece that sits between the motor and the brass ring, in addition to both plastic halves of the idler arm. 

I put everything back together and greased up the PG before putting the cover on.

I performed a cold pull on the nozzle, then ran the printer and extruder through full calibrations, including calibrating the planetary gear. 

Everything appeared normal, the filament was being purged properly, but when I went to print something, I wasn't getting good first layers - akin to clogging - no filament being pushed through (I was noticing no filament was moving into the top of the extruder) even though it just purged cleanly moments before. 

Frustrated, I did another cold pull, and ran the system through another calibration process. 

This seemed to fix things, I now have OK prints (there's mild stringing), and now this clicking noise, which tells me there's just something fundamentally wrong with my nextruder gear system and the way it's handling filament. 

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 6 months von AmericanPie
Veröffentlicht : 13/08/2024 6:09 pm
RE: Nextruder Clicking noise

Here was my resolution to the clicking noise at the extruder and failed prints (no filament at the nozzle - unable to load filament).

You can open the 2 clips at the top of the extruder and pull back the fan to expose the drive gear and filament path. The bottom guide, Guide B was where the problem occured. A small piece of broken filament was preventing a clear path to the nozzle feeder tube and caused the filament to jam. Even with the entire nozzle assembly removed, it wouldn't load filament. A tooth pick and canned air duster cleared the chip.

2 other things,

1- make sure the nozzle feeder tube is all the way up to the guide or the filament will catch the edge of the tube.

2- cut an angled chisel point in the leading end of the new filament to ensure the filament will guide itself into the tube.

In my case it was a 100% fix.

Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2024 6:07 pm
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