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New MK4, can't get WiFi to work  

Active Member
New MK4, can't get WiFi to work

Hi all,

I'm loving the prints that my new, assembled-from-kit MK4 is producing. But I'm having trouble with WiFi. I was following the instructions at this link and almost immediately had problems.

I tried to configure PrusaLink, going to "Setup Wi-Fi Module" (Step 3 in the above link). This wants to update the firmware of the WiFi adapter. This fails after 5 seconds, so I can't go on with that.

I then used PrusaSlicer to write a WiFi config file. I plugged this in to the MK4 and it seemed to like it - I had the WiFi indicator at the top of the screen. But neither the IP address nor the MAC address was displayed in the WiFi settings part of the LCD. I am absolutely certain the credentials are correct. I also cannot see the printer in my router's list of connected devices, so I'm guessing it's unable to connect to my router.

I am able to connect over Ethernet and can see the PrusaLink web pages and that seems to work most of the time. But I really want to have the WiFi working because the place I want to put the printer doesn't have access to an Ethernet connection.

Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!


Napsal : 13/02/2024 3:35 am
Estimable Member

I suppose step 3 finished successfully.

I guess the ESP can run only on 2.4 GHz WIFI, do you have a router with this range?

Is the WIFI indicator  (right upper corner of the display) ON?

Do you have in settings -> Network-> WIFI selected as a default?

Is the WIFI signal strength adequate? The ESP is not the best in sensitivity and transmission power. Move the printer and the router closer.

A WiFi extender could also help.

Napsal : 13/02/2024 6:58 pm
Estimable Member
RE: New MK4, can't get WiFi to work

The issue can be also the security settings of your LAN. 

Napsal : 13/02/2024 7:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New MK4, can't get WiFi to work


I suppose step 3 finished successfully, if failure is success...

Yes it's 2.4 GHz, and WiFi is selected as default.

The WiFi indicator is "on", but it's kind of gray compared to the Ethernet indicator - that seems brighter. Perhaps that means the interface is active but not connected?

The WiFi strength may be the issue. I will have to move the printer closer to the router, or maybe at least spin it around so the antenna at least faces the router (carefully, cuz I'm printing right now...)

Napsal : 13/02/2024 7:15 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New MK4, can't get WiFi to work

I chatted with a support person. They are sending me a new module. The fact that the FW couldn't be updated was a big indicator.

Napsal : 14/02/2024 1:39 am
Estimable Member
RE: New MK4, can't get WiFi to work

The esp modul contains also two led lights red and blue. When the esp modul communicates you should see the blue one flickering.

Try to reload the esp mudl fw, sometimes it does not succeed. Nevertheless even the bunch of ESPs from aliexpress worked without issues.

Napsal : 19/02/2024 10:17 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New MK4, can't get WiFi to work

In this case, it was the module. Got a replacement one today and 15 minutes later I was online.

Napsal : 20/02/2024 2:22 am