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MK4 RasberryPi-Prusalink  

MK4 RasberryPi-Prusalink

Hi All:

Setting up the MK4 and loving it -- EXCEPT for the rather outdated networking/prusalink layer -- both speed of file upload and lack of a USB camera option. I realize that the alpha firmware has made some updates to compress the g-code better and added a "streaming" option for Prusa Connect. One way to resolve this is to allow for a "raspberry pi add on with PrusaLink which would plug into the USB (akin to MK3) -- maybe "supplement" the integrated prusalink/connect. Are there any plans for such a thing? Trying to avoid OctoPi.

I have a X1C and despite its lack of an ethernet port -- also ridiculous--, the OTA updates and WiFi printing/monitoring are pretty solid.  

Opublikowany : 30/10/2023 12:52 am