M500 does not work!
Hello, I just wanted to calibrate my MK4 printer a little more precisely and found that the M500 command does not work. I.e. the set values are not adopted after a restart. With my MK3S+ this works without problems.Is the problem known and does anyone know a solution for it?
RE: M500 does not work!
M500 isn't supported on the Buddy boards. Its been known about and complained about on the Mini's since it was released.
This is the currently open issue about it (many duplicates have been closed). Dates back to 2020
RE: M500 does not work!
Thanks for the info. I did not know that. Do not have a Mini.
Is there another solution to save changes (customized e-steps) permanently?
RE: M500 does not work!
From what I understand you can put the changes into the starting G-Code and that should make the changes.
RE: M500 does not work!
That works. Thank you 🙂
From what I understand you can put the changes into the starting G-Code and that should make the changes.
RE: M500 does not work!
In the Mini there is an Experimental menue to adjust z axis length, e-step and rotation of the Extruder Motor.
See: https://help.prusa3d.com/article/experimental-menu-mini-mini_264396