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Layer shift hours into print  

Layer shift hours into print


I've tried a couple times to print this drill holder and it seems to do a layer shift when the octagon is closing up. I've check the belt tension, changed the infill too rectangular and other items print with no issue and they have bridging and are as tall if not taller. I am running the latest firmware and slicer with the Prusa proved USB drive and its a stock MK4. Any other thoughts on what the issue could be is appreciated. I've google as far as I can, trying to trouble shoot the issue.

Sharing images to maybe help.

Any help/idea is appreciated, still pretty new with printing.


Publié : 04/12/2023 6:57 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Layer shift hours into print

Have you tried reprinting this with input shaping turned off?  You said you were new to printing so that's why I ask.  I've had a lot of issues with the input shaping but very few issues when it's off.

Publié : 05/12/2023 3:09 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer shift hours into print

Thank you, I will try that next. I am trying right now with increasing the z height during movements, if that does not work I will try turning off input shaping. For my understanding what would turning input shaping off do in this case? Just operate slower with looser tolerances for movement or something?

Publié : 05/12/2023 4:30 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Layer shift hours into print

Thin overhangs like those will naturally curl up as they are cooled.  At that point your nozzle hits them and crash, layer shift.  Printing slower or with less cooling and therefore less curling is a possibility.

This is the sort of thing where you would crop off the lower and upper parts of the model to leave the problem area to do test prints with various settings to see what works without spending lots of time and material.  

Experiment with less cooling.  Experiment with less speed.  Experiment with adding a small section of snug support using a support enforcer painted in that area with a slightly closer than normal z contact distance to give those layers something to stick to below instead of curling up as much.  Make sure there are no drafts or cool air currents etc etc.  

There's also the experimental Avoid Cross curled overhangs tickbox (red/expert setting under Print Settings>Layers and Perimeters that **may** help but I really doubt it given how much they are curling up, even if it avoided them for travel it would still hit them when it comes to laying the next layer down.

Publié : 05/12/2023 5:30 pm
Mike a aimé
Eminent Member
RE: Layer shift hours into print

Any luck?

Turning input shaping off will basically make it operate at MK3s speeds but it will be more reliable.  If you need the print to work and you don't want to mess with a bunch of settings I would just turn it off and print.  I'm fairly confident  your print will be fine with it off.

Publié : 08/12/2023 6:11 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer shift hours into print

I ended up printing the solid model, I needed the prints to be done for a project so didn't have much time play around. Will try your idea though when have some free time. 

Publié : 09/12/2023 3:42 pm
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