Is there an I/O pin on the xBuddy board for triggering an external camera?
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Is there an I/O pin on the xBuddy board for triggering an external camera?  

Is there an I/O pin on the xBuddy board for triggering an external camera?

I recently came across a blog post about filming time-lapses with Prusa 3D printers, written by Prusa Research.

The post describes how to write custom g-code to send trigger signals to a camera after every layer is finished. While it covers older models like the Prusa MK3, I couldn't find information related to the Prusa MK4.

Specifically, for the Prusa MK3, one should send trigger signals through pin 73, and pin 20 for the older machines.As far as I know, the MK4's xBuddy boards do not have Raspberry Pi pin headers. This leaves me wondering about my options for the MK4.

I'm faced with the following questions:

  1. Do xBuddy boards have any other undocumented I/O pins that can be utilized for this specific case?
  2. Or should I resort to using Prusa Connect for time-lapses?

I am eager to hear from fellow Prusa users who may have experience with this. Thank you!

Best Answer by jseyfert3:

They do have some extra undocumented pins. The problem is they are undocumented, so nobody knows what they are.

I asked Prusa and they wouldn’t tell me, but said they would released schematics of the board. Unknown when that will be though.

Veröffentlicht : 18/08/2023 9:50 am
Reputable Member
RE: Is there an I/O pin on the xBuddy board for triggering an external camera?

They do have some extra undocumented pins. The problem is they are undocumented, so nobody knows what they are.

I asked Prusa and they wouldn’t tell me, but said they would released schematics of the board. Unknown when that will be though.

Veröffentlicht : 18/08/2023 11:07 am
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Themenstarter answered:
RE: Is there an I/O pin on the xBuddy board for triggering an external camera?

Considering Prusa research's recent moves regarding to open sources, I also think that they will not release schematics anytime soon.

I will try Prusa connect instead.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Veröffentlicht : 18/08/2023 12:27 pm