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first/2nd layer issues  

Active Member
first/2nd layer issues

everything went well so far, have printed around 10kg of filament so far without issues. Then this happened: 

does anyone have any clue what is going on, and more importantly: how to fix this. 
Settings: default pla, 0.4 nozzle (not input shaper), o.2mm quality. Everything default. I sometimes tweak stuff but not this time. 

Veröffentlicht : 27/12/2023 4:06 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
SOLVED - RE: first/2nd layer issues MK4

In case someone else comes across this issue: 

I've figured out what the issue was: the nozzle (entire piece, not just the 'nozzle') was not properly installed. You really have to press it as high as possible before you tighten the thumb screws. 

Which unfortunately is not enough... after a while the thumb screws can become loose after...50 (?) hours of printing on high speed, which can result in the nozzle ever so slightly moving down...resulting in the above issue. So if you encounter this, take the nozzle out and fix it again and use more force to tighten the screws WITH YOUR FINGERS (no tools!!). 



Veröffentlicht : 22/01/2024 1:12 pm