Feature Request: PMMA-Filament included in Prusa environment
Hi Prusa-Team,
I am regularly using PMMA Filament on my printer (reason: UV resistance and same thermal properties as laser cut PMMA). Unfortunately, the material does not exist in the Prusa environment.
- I already had to add PMMA to the Prusa Slicer config file
- The printer does not know the filament and I have to tell it, that I am loading PETG
- Of course it is now complaining, that I am using gcode with the wrong filament.
Please add PMMA to the filament list in the Slicer and the printer. You don't need to create a profile, as there are only very few people using this material.
Thank you
RE: Feature Request: PMMA-Filament included in Prusa environment
As this topic does not seem relevant to anyone: Is there a way to add PMMA (or other exotic filaments) to my printer config (for heating up, filament load, etc.)? I would like to NOT have any messages regarding "different filament type".
RE: Feature Request: PMMA-Filament included in Prusa environment
Take a look at the section titled "Improved filament management" in the release notes for https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy/releases/tag/v6.2.0-alpha1 .
RE: Feature Request: PMMA-Filament included in Prusa environment
Thank you for letting me know about this feature. This will make a big difference for me! Now, I am really looking forward to this update 🙂