F/W 5.10 & MK4 - first layer and filament out problems
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F/W 5.10 & MK4 - first layer and filament out problems  

F/W 5.10 & MK4 - first layer and filament out problems

I have used a number of the Input Shaper firmware versions on my MK4, all with at least reasonable success. The Mk4 had simply worked since it arrived,  Well done.
I recently updated to firmware 5.10 and ran the various calibrations except Gears Calibration.
Now, I can almost forget using white filaments. They are a pain to be recognized during loads and pause due to erroneous filament out frequently (this found using a spool already half-used with the previous F/W and no problems).
And first layer adhesion problems are bad, now bad? I haven't used it in a week and it sets 6' from my desk. Before I used at least daily. Now, I simply am fed up dealing with it. It sometimes prints successfully, and sometimes I roll Nat20s. Now, it mostly rolls 1s. Before the update, I almost never saw any type of adhesion issues, now they are the default.

No doubt Prusa will find and fix these issues. My guidance would be to suspend v5.10 until the issues are resolved as I am far from alone with some of these issues.
In the interim, I am going to do a full reset then work forward to just before v5.10.

Note: I am not the most experienced user, but I have and use an MK3, Mk3s+, and an MK4, all since right about the time they were released.

Respondido : 10/12/2023 12:49 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: F/W 5.10 & MK4 - first layer and filament out problems

Due to the adhesion issues I had a print release after several layers and which I did not catch for a while. With the new print head it is far easier for molten filament to back up well into the extruder, which mine did so badly I lost a wire during the roughly hour I spent carefully removing the filament mess.  And as been seemingly the case since I got my Mk4 there are no Nextruder Hot Ends available. I bought three adapters with my MK4, but couldn't preorder the hot ends. I even talked directly to support to try, no luck.  Since then I have checked off and on for them -I have three adapter so already had use- and even when they finally showed up on the site, each time I checked they were, like now, back-ordered.

Pardon for taking so much time on this detail, but basic parts which happen to be only sourcable from the vendor, are either generally available or printer is not a production capable system regardless of how good the h/w generally is. Supply chains are a bitch today, but hot ends are only available for the MK4 from Prusa and such appears to have been a business decision (okay), such decisions are fine, but then ensuring availability lands solely on Prusa as does the responsibility. If I had been allowed to preorder them with my printer I might have them already from one of the brief times there was supply. Also, if stock levels were reasonable I could at least get replacements by paying extra for rush shipping. Instead, I am completely blocked due to them being unavailable. 

I'll check back on stock for a few days, failing that I will need to find another printer...


Respondido : 10/12/2023 2:20 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: F/W 5.10 & MK4 - first layer and filament out problems

Have you tried Speaking to Prusa Chat?
Can you order heater cartridges or thermistor cartridges from Prusa?
regards Joan


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 10/12/2023 3:26 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: F/W 5.10 & MK4 - first layer and filament out problems

if you're Stateside have you tried 'printed Solid'?

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 10/12/2023 3:29 pm