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Clocked nozzle and pla/ pteg broke  

Eminent Member
Clocked nozzle and pla/ pteg broke


I have the printer a month or so and printed things with the 0.4 nozzle on .2 layer hight.. no problems at all..

But here the thing.. when printing on .1 layer layer hight is gets clocked at around 20% and 50% print time.. tried different kind of temperatures but same issue..

Then I tested it on .15 and that goes to 80% and 1 out of 5 to 100% and stops.. 

So what is the problem here.. now 1 can't get the nozzle clean anymore so I bought 2 new ones.. on the mk3 no problems.. I hope you can help me out on this one... I tested different Temps and no luck.. 





This topic was modified před 12 months by JohanN
Napsal : 02/10/2023 8:48 pm