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1st layer of supports too low  

Trusted Member
1st layer of supports too low

I am having an issue when using supports on the MK4.  The first layer of supports is printing too low and the nozzle is marring the textured build sheet.  The object itself is not printing too low and other prints without supports, both before and after this issue occurred, are also printing just fine.  This was sliced using alpha Input Shaper.

Anyone else having this issue?  It ruins the textured sheet for cosmetic prints (still fine for prototype, mechanical parts and non-cosmetic pieces of course.


Postato : 12/09/2023 9:52 pm
Active Member
RE: 1st layer of supports too low

Same here, but without inputshaper.

But in 1 out of 10 cases it works for me. It seems as if the weighing cell starts a random generator as to whether the correct bed (flat or textured) is recognized.

Postato : 13/09/2023 5:09 pm
Active Member
RE: 1st layer of supports too low

Hello again, I did a little more research yesterday evening and I think I found it/was able to narrow it down.

It seems to be a bug in the MK4 profile of the slicer.

When I slice a Print with support for an MK4, it over-extrudes the first layer because it places the support too close to the print bed.

If I take the same print with exactly the same settings and slice it for an MK3S, but print it on my MK4 (the printer then switches to MK3 compatibility mode) the over-extrusion is gone and the first layer is absolutely perfect.

So the workaround is, to slice the print as MK3S and let the printer run in compatibility mode (it does this automatically when it detects an MK3 file) until Prusa has fixed the problem.

Postato : 14/09/2023 10:08 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 1st layer of supports too low

That's very interesting.  I will have to play around with that.  I didn't realize there was a compatibility mode.  I occasionally mis-slice a MK3S+ for a MK3S+ with MMU2S and just hope for the best, lol.  But wasn't aware the MK4 would be OK with MK3 slices.

I had already ruined one side of the MK4 textured sheet when the the nozzle thumbscrews weren't tight enough from the factory but now I have two ruined sides so I can just experiment with this.  I didn't find mention of this anywhere so after playing around with may have to submit something to Github too.

Thanks for response.

Postato : 14/09/2023 4:27 pm