Shipping Date List
I Remember, 3-4 years ago, there was a list from prusa with information about shipping. it was able to watch my ordering date - and also there was the information about the expected shipping date. will there be something same like that?
RE: Shipping Date List
Don't know how much this helps but here it is.
RE: Shipping Date List
When the Mk3 first came out there was a huge collaborative google sheet for tracking everyone's orders, showing statistics on how long different configurations took, order dates, etc. It was a really fun collaborative project while waiting for the Mk3 to arrive, hopefully someone will start something similar for the Mk4.
RE: Shipping Date List
Just put people back in lockdown, then it will probably happen! 🙂
I Remember, 3-4 years ago, there was a list from prusa with information about shipping. it was able to watch my ordering date - and also there was the information about the expected shipping date. will there be something same like that?
RE: Shipping Date List
Yup the one for the MK4 is here
RE: Shipping Date List
spreadsheet gives order numbers XXXXX12800 to XXXXX19797 and then XXXXX32899 at the end... my company's Mk4 kit order number ends XXXXX9542X - (ordered/paid on 13th April) - that's going to be one big spreadsheet if it includes every possible order number!
Anyone knows now many units are shipped per week?
I ordered within the first hours - and had a lead time of 2-3 weeks.
3 weeks passed and i am curious when i will get mine, having around 1000 orders in front.
MK4S / MK4 + MMU3 / Ender 3V2 / Voron 0.0
RE: Shipping Date List
The order numbers are not sequential identifiers. They are epoch timestamps. The number of seconds since 1st January 1970. That would mean there can only be 1 order per second but it also means there doesn't have to be an order every second.
RE: Shipping Date List
Yep, should have spotted that! 1681395429 is indeed 13th April at 2:17pm. Still hoping Prusa will perform miracles and ship before July, but I work in an electronics engineering company and many components (ICs in particular) are still showing lead times in excess of 12 months. 🙁
RE: Shipping Date List
I ordered two minutes after the available email came in, hope I will be in the first batch. 😊
RE: Shipping Date List
Ya ordered mine about 20 minutes in had some issues getting my order to go through and had some duplicates
RE: Shipping Date List
What time did the MK4 Kit open for orders PST?
RE: Shipping Date List
10:20 ish CST is the earliest order in the sheet so 8:20 PST
RE: Shipping Date List
They went on sale at 11:20 EST so that would be 2:20 PST
What time did the MK4 Kit open for orders PST?
RE: Shipping Date List
I got my confirmation at 8:28 am PST, I struggled with the system load trying to get an order in, I would think around 8:15-8:20 am the queue opened.
RE: Shipping Date List
That’s for the MK4 kit, not pre-assembled. FYI.
RE: Shipping Date List
At the end of the day we don't know how Prusa are dealing with their shipping. We don't even know whether there even is a queuing system based upon time of order - you could have ordered 2 days before me, for instance, yet mine could be dispatched first because you had an additional item included in your order that was out of stock.....
Prusa should have this sorted with a good system that feeds back information on order status to the customer, rather then just taking full payment beforehand and letting us wonder when we will receive anything. Personally, I think that Google list means nothing and fail to see why Prusa would place all their orders on a Google doc in teh first instance.
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: Shipping Date List
The spreadsheet is a crowd-sourced resource that is pulled together by customers not Prusa.
Personally, I think that Google list means nothing and fail to see why Prusa would place all their orders on a Google doc in teh first instance.
RE: Shipping Date List
Well having talked to the Prusa help team, I just canceled my order as they had no idea when or if I might get my order.
RE: Shipping Date List
Why do you think Prusa made the google doc? As I understand it, that's a customer created and editable list of orders so that when people get updates from Prusa they can update the list so other people can work out when they might get progress too.