Print head not decelerating correcting with printing long base supporting ribs
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Print head not decelerating correcting with printing long base supporting ribs  

Print head not decelerating correcting with printing long base supporting ribs

I have had two Prusa sliced models what were using base supports where the model is narrow and long and the slicer base support ribs are oriented in line with the x-axis.  I have experienced the print head not stopping in time when laying down a rib path and striking the end stop.   The model is long enough that the end of ribs are within 20 mm of the edge of the axis travel. The X-axis tries to continue printing with z new X-axis offset and leaves a mess.  If I rotate the model 90 degrees in the slicer, the supporting ribs are much shorter and the problem does not effect the Y axis.     This seems to only happen when printing long base support ribs that aligned along the X-axis.  I suspect that the X-Axis motor is not able to follow the deceleration curve due to the high head speed on the long ribs.

Napsal : 30/11/2023 10:39 pm