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How convert XL order to MK4 KIT ?  

How convert XL order to MK4 KIT ?

On order page i can convert XL order to MK4 but in new window when need select color and sheets, price is for assembled MK4 but i want KIT 🙂

Any idea how convert to KIT ?

Questa discussione è stata modificata 2 years fa da Olafejs
Postato : 29/03/2023 10:02 pm
Estimable Member
RE: How convert XL order to MK4 KIT ?

The kit isn't available yet. I'd assume once it is you may be able to change to it at that point (June, IIRC).

Postato : 29/03/2023 10:23 pm
Active Member
RE: How convert XL order to MK4 KIT ?

You would need to cancel the XL order and order the mk4 separately.


Keep in mind that kits aren't available for another couple of weeks.

Postato : 30/03/2023 3:24 am