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Gcode streaming with Prusalink  

Gcode streaming with Prusalink


I'm I the only who feel a bit cheated about the so called Gcode Streaming feature not being available with Prusalink?

Why an online service (PrusaConnect) have a feature that my local machine can't have?

What is the technical reasoning for this?

This feature plus the binary gcode would be the killer fix for the screwup prusa did with the hardware(thus the slow transfer speeds).


Postato : 21/12/2023 12:53 am
Active Member
RE: Gcode streaming with Prusalink

Yah I agree with you. I just completed  my mk3.9 upgrade and started using prusalink. I was looking around for some setting not understanding that its not available on prusalink. Maybe its coming in the future? It would be nice to have although its certainly not a deal breaker. Most of my files only take a minute to upload. Most likely i will try prusaconnect although i'm not a big fan of cloud based service. Are slow wi-fi issues the reason they went to binary gcode?

Postato : 22/12/2023 6:24 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Gcode streaming with Prusalink

There is a lot of speculation either dumbfounded(such as is the speed of the usb drive provided) or more sensible such as the speed of the UART port used to connect the wifi module to the board. Either way surely there is no other reason making the gcode unreadable and impossible to edit with the already existing tools either from.(and no smaller sizes of text files are not a justification with today standard hardware).

I don't want to sound against the change(as IMO is technically an improvement) but if it is to be done at least they should implement it everywhere in their ecosystem (prusalink, prusaslicer).

Postato : 22/12/2023 7:06 pm