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Extrusion stops halfway through print  

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RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

Can you please confirm if the problem is completely fixed, as i have the same issue and I tried the same things with same results so I would like to suggest prusa the same solution for me.

Posted : 15/09/2024 4:29 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

I was able to reproduce a similar issue on my printer. It seems to stop randomly and I was able to get it while purging after purging for about 2 minutes. First it slightly buzzes, then you can hear faint taps as it stops. My first guess was just the idler wasn't pressing enough, but I tightened that about 4 turns and it had the same result. (I also tried loosening it about 3 turns when I was diagnosing). I know it's not a clog as I changed the whole nozzle setup as a first step, also it still can feed if I give a slight amount of manual pressure. I'm unsure if the extruder stops or not, but I'm only getting minimal grinding. I suspect it stops, as if I keep "purging" it doesn't seem to grind away the filament on close inspection.

The extruder gears appear clean and I've sprayed it with compressed air just in case.
I tried 3 cold pulls before switching the nozzle entirely.

Extruder stopping can be seen here

Posted : 22/09/2024 3:11 am
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

Update on my case: It was indeed the Nextruder Motor which Prusa sent me as replacement. Once replaced everything works like a charm again.

Posted : 22/09/2024 10:04 am
Matt Nelson
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

Status update on my case (I'm the OP...):  Replacing the idler components with PC+CF parts supplied by Prusa seems to have completely fixed the issue.  Haven't had an issue since.  I have also since upgraded to a MK4S, and I noticed that part of the upgrade is a set of PCCF parts for the "hot" areas  - the idler and y-axis tensioner.

Posted : 22/09/2024 1:04 pm
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

Hi, I think my problem something similar. Did you encounter before that after 10 minutes of printing stops extruding, then leave the printer to fully cool down after let's say 3-4 hours press the print button again, and print without issue until again about 10 minutes and stops extruding?

I think something gets hot inside that prevent extruding but when it's cold no issues

Posted : 23/09/2024 5:31 am
Trusted Member
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

I have the same problem today, I have already converted my nextruder to pc-cf with the mk4s kit so it can't be that.... I'm getting a new loveboard, but I'm guessing it's more likely the extruder motor

Posted : 24/10/2024 1:17 pm
Samuel Ahlstrom
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

I replaced mine with the pccf as well about a week ago (under warranty - provided by Prusa). I haven't had any problems since and I've been printing on it for nearly 100 hours. 

Posted : 24/10/2024 1:40 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

I have had the pccf parts since mmu3 and mk4s upgrade...i waiting to my loveboard and the heatsink ntc

Posted : 25/10/2024 8:19 pm
Trusted Member

Wow, I took everything apart and found that the extruder motor was somehow stuck. I unscrewed it and realigned it. Now it does what it's supposed must have jammed the filament recently...But if necessary I will order a new one 

This post was modified 5 months ago by Yasar
Posted : 26/10/2024 8:39 am
Eminent Member
RE: Extrusion stops halfway through print

Update from me: As the PC+CF parts are part of the MK4S upgrade they don't appear to offer that as an option in the troubleshooting process. However, they agreed that the motor might be at fault and sent me a new motor and gearbox which did end up fixing the issue for me.

Posted : 04/11/2024 4:34 pm
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