Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I'm thinking to upgrade my MK3S with the MK4 upgrade kit. But does it worth it vs. buying a MK4 ?
As I understand, a lot of parts are replaced (the MK4 advertisement video tells that more than 90% of the parts have been changed).
If I'm correct, with the upgrade kit, the parts that are kept from the MK3 are :
- the frame
- the bed
- the X and Y rods
- the power supply
That make a lot of pieces from the MK3S that will left unused.
The price difference between the upgrade kit and the MK4 kit is around 200€ without VAT. Wouldn't be better to try to resell the MK3S and take the full MK4 kit ?
Also, the upgrade kit does not provide the thicker vertical frame. Does this make any difference in print quality, vibration/noise, ... ?
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I have just spent a day doing this very upgrade - printer is up and running and it is a huge improvement on the stock MK3s. The speed and quality improvement are well worth it (I went for the full MK4 upgrade). To answer your question - I now have a box of MK3S bits and am in a bit of a quandary as to what to do with it all - as you say there is a hell of a lot replaced in the upgrade. The frame question - not noticed any noise/quality/vibration using the original frame. I don’t know what the resale market is like for MK3S printers - I will probably just have a box of bits and sell some as and when people ask for them.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I echo the fact that its a rather sizable upgrade.
I was in the same boat - didn't need two printers etc. I ended up selling my MK3S+ as a whole, then purchased the MK4 kit. This way it didn't cost me too much extra and I ended up with a 'complete' MK4 from scratch. Otherwise I felt I would end up with a lot of parts that I would do nothing with, and wouldn't be too easy to sell either considering they were for an 'older' model.
Saying that, I'm considering selling my MK4 as well - I simply no longer use a 3D printer very much any more!
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I was in the same boat with a MK3S+ and I bought the MK4 upgrade. While this is a bit costly, I did not need a second printer and since I modded the MK3S+ considerably, I also did not want to sell it. I am also left with a box of unused parts now, but certainly the stepper motors might come in handy with other projects.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I originally ordered the upgrade kit to MK4 for my MK3S+ but after receiving my XL, I decided it wasn't such a good idea. I opted instead for the MK3.5 upgrade. It's far less invasive, less expensive, and does enough to keep the MK3 relevant.
I'd say that buying an upgrade at the end comes more than buying a new MK4 kit and selling old MK3S. As guys already figured it out you end up with a bunch of "spare parts" which are useless and will sooner or later end up in trash.
As MK3s vs MK4 goes: it's a huge upgrade. Faster printing, and, what's very important (to me at least): auto leveling when you change sheets. No more damaged sheets or bad prints due to forgetting to change sheet type in a menu. Just change sheet and hit print.
Not to mention built-in ethernet. I used to have Pi and octoprint on MK3, but now i don't have to.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
Agree with you - I am very happy with the upgrade and enjoy the build process. A bunch of spares in a box that probably will never get used is fine with me.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I think financially you are probably better off buying a Mk4 kit and selling your Mk3 but I didn't want the hassle of trying to sell my Mk3 so I bought the upgrade and will probably just end up trashing the left-over parts.
The good news is the upgrade process was well documented by Prusa and my printer passed all tests first time and has been happy printing for a couple of days now. I haven't noticed any difference between this upgraded printer and my factory assembled Mk4.
I did the upgrade from mk3s+ to mk4.
At the end, when I´ve seen the remaining parts I decided to build another printer with these parts, so I ordered a bear frame, rods, bearings, a heatbed and the carrier for the heatbed and a power supply.
So now I have a mk4 and a mk3-bear.
Altogether I would say, the upgrade does not make sense. It´s better to sell the mk3 or just use both printers further on.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I decided to just purchase the MK4 kit and keep the MK3S+ as a spare. To me this was the best solution. I have found that I can have two printers running at the same time if necessary rather than have a box of parts sitting around. Also, I belive in redundancy and if for some reason the MK4 goes down for whatever reason, I still have a useful, backup printer, not a box of old, spare parts.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
Hi everybody
Thank you for your answers.
I finally decided to try to sell my Mk3s before to buy the MK4.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
The frames are the same thickness. The MK3 frame is cut from aluminum stock. The MK4 frame is die cast and has pockets to reduce weight/material used. No functional difference, that is why it isn't replaced in the full upgrade.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
I was thinking of the same thing. Recently got my XL up and running, I have an enclosure that I haven’t built yet. I would like to do the 3.5 and enclosure at the same time. Do you have the 3.5 up and running?
I originally ordered the upgrade kit to MK4 for my MK3S+ but after receiving my XL, I decided it wasn't such a good idea. I opted instead for the MK3.5 upgrade. It's far less invasive, less expensive, and does enough to keep the MK3 relevant.
Mini+MK3S+XL 5 Tool
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
The 3.5 upgrade box is sitting next to my 2-5 tool upgrade. I'll tackle them soon.
I was thinking of the same thing. Recently got my XL up and running, I have an enclosure that I haven’t built yet. I would like to do the 3.5 and enclosure at the same time. Do you have the 3.5 up and running?
I originally ordered the upgrade kit to MK4 for my MK3S+ but after receiving my XL, I decided it wasn't such a good idea. I opted instead for the MK3.5 upgrade. It's far less invasive, less expensive, and does enough to keep the MK3 relevant.
RE: Does MK3S -> MK4 worth it vs. MK4 kit ?
Good choice. That is what I did. Someone got a good deal on my MK3S, and I'm super happy with my new MK4. It's so much better than the MK3S.