Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?
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Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?  

Trusted Member
Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

I have my MK3S+ setup with wifi and use Octoprint (over wifi). I have read some posts that WIFI isn't working well on the MK4 upgrade, or that there are issues. I don't know if that is true but was wondering if WIFI works and also works well with Octoprint (over wifi).

Was hoping for input from others who upgraded their machines or purchased the MK4. This is important for my use and if there are problems in this area, I may not upgrade.

Thank you for your time.


Napsal : 23/01/2024 4:00 am
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

Works fine on my mk4

Napsal : 23/01/2024 8:13 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member

The users that complained about WiFi not working or not working well enough were referring to the internal WiFi function on the MK4 itself. If you want to use OctoPrint you will be not using the printer's internal WiFi. OctoPrint works on the MK4 just the same as it does on the MK3xx. It uses the WiFi on the Raspberry Pi. If it worked for you on the MK3S+, it will work on the MK4.

Napsal : 23/01/2024 9:01 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

And even the inbuilt wifi has significantly improved. You can of course rightly argue over why they chose that hardware and how they implemented the network stack the way they did and why they didn't go with a Pi-like solution etc, but compared to the dismal speeds we got when it was released, it feels quite acceptable to me now. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 23/01/2024 1:45 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

Thank you for your input. If I understand you correctly, I will have to put the Raspberry Pi on the MK4 just like I did on the MK3 and I'm good to go.

Napsal : 23/01/2024 3:35 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

Yes the settings in OctoPrint are almost the same as for an MK3S+. Have a look at the page here:, especially step 13 with the special g-codes you should enter in the profile settings for the printer in OctoPrint. They recommend a baud rate setting of 115200 like on the MK3S+. Nevertheless I have been using successfully the next bigger value in the drop-down box (230something, the printer is off and I won't switch it on just for this). The value was chosen when I connected the printer with the AUTO setting for the baud rate. This setting should mitigate the speed bottleneck in the communication with the printer a bit more when using the "old" gcode instead of the smaller "new" bgcode files. I know that there is a plugin for OctoPrint that allows using bgcode files, but I still use gcode files with the arc-welder plugin in OctoPrint which creates smaller files also.

Napsal : 23/01/2024 3:53 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

Ahhh I see. Currently, I have the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W on the MK3. According to that article, it shows a Raspberry Pi 3 0r 4. Will the Zero W2 not work with the MK4? Not a big deal really but it would be nicer if it was all integrated.

Napsal : 23/01/2024 4:18 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

You mean you have it connected to the Einsy Board on the MK3? That won't work on the MK4, the board is totally different and does not have the GPIO pins for that. You will need some adapter for Micro-USB to USB-C. I have not yet tried connecting a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W to a printer via USB. The CPU should be able to handle it, as it is basically the same as a Raspberry Pi 3, you just need an adapter that works. But better google for it first to see if somebody is using this combo. I would go with one of the larger boards (Pi 3 or 4) as they have more sturdy USB sockets.

Napsal : 23/01/2024 4:33 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Considering upgraging my MK3S+ with MK4 kit. Will wifi work?

Well. when I upgrade, I'll most likely go with the raspberry pi4 if the Zero 2W is not compatible. No problem. Thank you for the input.

Napsal : 23/01/2024 11:24 pm