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Bed probing is stopping after 1 or 2 probes  

Active Member
Bed probing is stopping after 1 or 2 probes

I've noticed that when I print something, the bed "probing" that occurs before the print starts doesnt seem to probe the number of points it is supposed to.

For example I just started a print of several items all over the bed. When the printer is getting ready, at one point the screen reads something like "probing point 1/35", but after 1 probe or 2 it stops probing and goes to printing. It always probes in the bottom left corner of the bed.

Is that normal? I know the mk4 is only supposed to probe an area of the bed that is as large as what will be printed on, as opposed to the mk3 which probed a fixed amount of points. But why is my mk4 only probing a few points in the bottom left corner even if I'm printing all over the bed? 

Napsal : 24/08/2023 5:11 am
Trusted Member
RE: Bed probing is stopping after 1 or 2 probes

You might have missed the initial full probe.

I've noticed that after the printer probes the bed (in this case, the display would count up to 35/35), it then performs a second probe stage near the purge line after a brief pause. This second stage only probes a few points, but errantly reports x/y on the display, with y being whatever number of probes performed in the first stage. So, this second stage ends at something like 2/35.

So clearly this is a bug, but in my experience the first stage is always completed in full.

Napsal : 24/08/2023 4:43 pm
jseyfert3 se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bed probing is stopping after 1 or 2 probes

You were right... It was doing a short second stage, I had missed the first

Napsal : 25/08/2023 12:47 am
jseyfert3 se líbí