Any third party/aftermarket solution for MK4+MMU3+buffer+Rolls enclosed in a nice compact form factor?
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Any third party/aftermarket solution for MK4+MMU3+buffer+Rolls enclosed in a nice compact form factor?  

Active Member
Any third party/aftermarket solution for MK4+MMU3+buffer+Rolls enclosed in a nice compact form factor?

Hi, I am looking for a good and easy to source and assembly solution for getting a Mk4+MMU3 in a nice compact format with all the filament kept together. The goal is getting something like the X1C form factor but with Prusa. I am looking at the official solution at feels a bit messy right now as there is no tidy way to install the buffer and filaments on top of the prusa enclosure. Asked to the service support and they dont recommend any third party solution. Any suggestions so far? I have a MK3S+ with a lack enclosure, have some money for a new printer to replace the MK3S and I would like to invest in a more compact, tidier form factor. budget is around €1500 for the whole thing. Many thanks!!

Veröffentlicht : 20/05/2024 11:18 am
Reputable Member
RE: Any third party/aftermarket solution for MK4+MMU3+buffer+Rolls enclosed in a nice compact form factor?

I understand what you are looking for, I just haven't found a compact solution and I have tried many of them.  

Mounting a filament box on top of the enclosure is what many do.   I don't since I want to access the lid in the enclosure.    There are various mods that convert plastic tubs to filament holders with integral buffers and hold desicant.   You will have to decide what you like.  If you want it to be pretty that is something most don't consider. 

My MK4/MMU3 notes may help,  or add to the confusion. It shows the RepBox setup I am currently using near the end.

My long term solution is to build a box to hold the filament, Prusa buffer and a heater underneath for drying.   Targeting 5 spools, up to 2KG each.  Current plan is 12" x 24" x 17", 305mm x 610mm x 430mm.  It may change.   It will sit next to the Prusa Enclosure.  

Veröffentlicht : 22/05/2024 2:29 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Any third party/aftermarket solution for MK4+MMU3+buffer+Rolls enclosed in a nice compact form factor?

Thanks! We are actually now looking into the XL as we feel it might be a better mid term investment and multimaterial setup feels tidier. Just waiting for the new enclosure to check how far we get from our initial 1500 budget 

Veröffentlicht : 24/05/2024 10:44 am
Eminent Member
RE: Any third party/aftermarket solution for MK4+MMU3+buffer+Rolls enclosed in a nice compact form factor?

I've crammed the buffer into the enclosure, even though support advised against it. I removed the rubber spacers from the enclosure, put the printer on my own dampers and pulled it forward a little. This creates more than enough room in the back right corner to place the buffer. I've got it standing on it's back, so that the cartridges are accessible from the top. It's a bit fiddly at first, but it works. I've kept all the original PTFE tube lengths, but the MMU-side ones are a bit long and hav eto be cable-tied to the enclosure so they don't interfere with the print. The filament path is nowhere near straight, but apart from one specific filament (Prusament, ironically), it seems to work fine so far. The filament is on top of the enclosure (using the back opening to feed the tubes in), but the stock rollers aren't ideal for this. Theoretically, there's enough room to fit at least four spools into the enclosure as well (front four corners - not sure about the fifth spool, might fit in the back left corner) and you even get a printable spool holder with the enclosure that might work for this if you just mirror it and put down some PTFE tube, but I think that would make it a bit too cramped in there.

Veröffentlicht : 27/05/2024 2:55 am
John Doe
Active Member
RE: Any third party/aftermarket solution for MK4+MMU3+buffer+Rolls enclosed in a nice compact form factor?

I have been using this for a few years now (originally on an MK3s+/MMU2 and now for a couple months on an MK4/MMU3) to very good effect:


Veröffentlicht : 31/05/2024 5:09 pm