3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?
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3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?  

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Trusted Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

just would be nice for them to do it in order, but who knows how they planned it. i dealt with this back in 2018 when i got my mk3 on preorder, so im not surprised, just frustrated

Prusa XL 5THPrusa MK4. Atomic Slate Gray CfPETG partsPrusa Mini+ Kit (Atomic Perfect Purple) with Bondtech IFS and Revo MicroVoron 2.4 350*350*500Voron Trident 250Voron Trident 350Ender3BeltKit (heavily modified)Many other small upgrades for these printers as tinkering never ends.

Veröffentlicht : 12/08/2023 9:36 pm
Active Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

Yes, it's nothing new. 8 month ago, I waited 12 weeks for Enclosure instead of the announced 3.

Veröffentlicht : 13/08/2023 9:41 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

So begins another week - will I be lucky in the shipping lottery this time? 🤪

(Order #16801731xx, 30/03/23, Black PSU, Screw Terminal Heatbed)


Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2023 7:43 am
Trusted Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

Just chatted with support, "apparently" all upgrade orders are delayed due to the "investigation" of the compatibility issues and they won't start shipping again fully until after the survey closes August 31st and they process those responses. They are shipping very slowly otherwise, but i would guess its gonna be mid-late september before upgrades start shipping again. 

Prusa XL 5THPrusa MK4. Atomic Slate Gray CfPETG partsPrusa Mini+ Kit (Atomic Perfect Purple) with Bondtech IFS and Revo MicroVoron 2.4 350*350*500Voron Trident 250Voron Trident 350Ender3BeltKit (heavily modified)Many other small upgrades for these printers as tinkering never ends.

Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2023 3:35 pm
Active Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

I also contacted support on Thursday and with a very similar result.

Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2023 4:28 pm
Active Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

I had been told by CS that shipping would start immediately after having answered the questionnaire. Asking about the quite different answer you got I was asked for the answers I had given and learned:

  • my combination (silver PSU and want to keep it, connection with screws) should be delieverd "quite soon, but I am not sure if this week. Probably not"
  • Fastest option would have been black/newer PSU

I hope this helps and matches your combination, @breacor3d ?

Posted by: @breacor3d

Just chatted with support, "apparently" all upgrade orders are delayed due to the "investigation" of the compatibility issues and they won't start shipping again fully until after the survey closes August 31st and they process those responses. They are shipping very slowly otherwise, but i would guess its gonna be mid-late september before upgrades start shipping again. 


Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2023 8:43 pm
Trusted Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

my combination matches as well, but i've been getting the run-around since they put out the questionnaire. I have the black psu and the newer non-soldered bed. 

Prusa XL 5THPrusa MK4. Atomic Slate Gray CfPETG partsPrusa Mini+ Kit (Atomic Perfect Purple) with Bondtech IFS and Revo MicroVoron 2.4 350*350*500Voron Trident 250Voron Trident 350Ender3BeltKit (heavily modified)Many other small upgrades for these printers as tinkering never ends.

Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2023 9:04 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:

Holy forking shirt balls. 

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 2 years von GreatOldOne


Veröffentlicht : 15/08/2023 8:16 am
Active Member

You are lucky

My order Number 16801657 and ordered 30/3 but no sign of it 

Questionare filled in and returned

my i3 MK3S+ 3D Printer kit was purchased 3/4/22 so it is the latest spec

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 2 years von Davem
Veröffentlicht : 15/08/2023 8:40 am
Estimable Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

Yeah, and my order number is 16801833xx  ordered 30/3 and still nothink, Questionare filled and returned, and my I3 is also with black PS and unsoldered Heatbed cables. I´m more than only frustrated.

Veröffentlicht : 15/08/2023 12:10 pm
Trusted Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

Well they definitely aren't shipping in order it seems. Congrats tho.

Posted by: @greatoldone-2

Holy forking shirt balls. 


Prusa XL 5THPrusa MK4. Atomic Slate Gray CfPETG partsPrusa Mini+ Kit (Atomic Perfect Purple) with Bondtech IFS and Revo MicroVoron 2.4 350*350*500Voron Trident 250Voron Trident 350Ender3BeltKit (heavily modified)Many other small upgrades for these printers as tinkering never ends.

Veröffentlicht : 15/08/2023 1:02 pm
Active Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

My order from 30.3 number 1680172xxx has been shipped!

Veröffentlicht : 15/08/2023 3:16 pm
Trusted Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

Wondering if anyone who has had their order from 3/30 shipped would be willing to share their order number with me so I can bug support about why 3/30 orders are being shipping before 3/29 orders?

Prusa XL 5THPrusa MK4. Atomic Slate Gray CfPETG partsPrusa Mini+ Kit (Atomic Perfect Purple) with Bondtech IFS and Revo MicroVoron 2.4 350*350*500Voron Trident 250Voron Trident 350Ender3BeltKit (heavily modified)Many other small upgrades for these printers as tinkering never ends.

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2023 2:20 pm
Active Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

My order Number 16801657 and ordered 30/3 

I spoke to chat and they said my model was to old but they must have looked at my original bought in 2018

my second printer was bought 3/4/22 they said I had not returned the form which I had

 I gave them my serial number which they aggreed it had the correct spec but wouldn't give an idea when it would be shipped

I just feel so cheesed of with the lack of response so i have cancelled the order and bought a Bambo p1p it will be with me early next week that what i call service

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2023 2:49 pm
Estimable Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

My order number 1680183xxx from 30/3 - still zero. I realy want MK4 upgrade, but WHEN I will get it? Chat with Prusas - without solution. They are not able to say any date or something about sending my kit.Is it realy normal? nearly 5 month after ordering....

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2023 3:54 pm
Active Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

Upgrade kit due for delivery by DHL tomorrow, now looking forward to a weekend printing all the parts with the Perusament Matte black I ordered with it.

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2023 4:59 pm
Active Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

My order 1680172847 from 30.3. full upgrade MK3S+ to MK4 arrived yesterday

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2023 5:47 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

I order the most complete upgrade kit, but then I realized that for around 200€ more I could have another printer instead of a box of spare motors, boards, & plastic parts, so I had all the time 😎 to cancel the order and order a MK4 Kit. Now I have already received the kit since some weeks, and I assembled it.

I happy of the decision, since now I have still my full working MK3S+MMU2S, and the MK4 without the MMU. Do not forget that I purchased an E3D Revo quick change system still to install on the MK3S. I purchased after I knew I would have kept my MK3S, since there is no way to  use a Revo Nozzle on the MK4, and I wanted the Revo, so I will install on the MK3S in the coming days.

Remember also that doing the MK3S->MK4 upgrade, you will loose your MMU2 if you have one, since the MMU2->MMU3 are still out of stock!

I am happy with my decision, I have two full working printers for just 200€ more instead of a box of spares. It is not clear to me, if Prusa will support an exponential number of firmware (MK3S+MMU2, MK3S+MMU3,MK4+MMU3) or they will discontinue the MMU3 support, and the upgrade for the MMU2S will be mandatory.

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2023 7:45 pm
Trusted Member
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

Just chatted with support, again. As usual they don't have an answer to why orders placed after 3/29 are shipping, and told me mine "should" ship by the end of september *facepalm". What a mess, but all their recent releases except for filament are seeming to be overwhelming for them.

Prusa XL 5THPrusa MK4. Atomic Slate Gray CfPETG partsPrusa Mini+ Kit (Atomic Perfect Purple) with Bondtech IFS and Revo MicroVoron 2.4 350*350*500Voron Trident 250Voron Trident 350Ender3BeltKit (heavily modified)Many other small upgrades for these printers as tinkering never ends.

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2023 11:56 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: 3s+ to 4 upgrade kits - has anyone’s shipped yet?

It’s arrived. Now to see if I have missing fasteners. 😜


Veröffentlicht : 18/08/2023 9:33 am
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