RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
Problem fixed with this small piece on my printer. Thx.
Agree with HoryAycardo. Limiting the Y axis travel is the key. I printed a 1.5mm thick clip and clipped it to the left Y axis rod. Reran the calibration and it passed.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
Same issue. After one week of desperation I read this post and fixed the Y axix it in 5 minutes. Just moving the left front bearing 1 mm to the front. (yes, to the front, against the manual). Thanks to all the people who posted the solution. It works great!
PD: Nothing needs to be unmounted. Just lie the printer on its side, loose both screws of the bearing holder, move it and screw again.
Spanish translation: Tengo el mismo problema Después de una semana de desesperación leí este post y arreglé el eje Y en 5 minutos. Solo hay que mover el rodamiento izquierdo 1 mm hacia el frente (Si, hacia el frente, en contra del manual). Gracias a toda la gente que ha publicado esta solución. Funciona genial!
PD: No hace falta desmontar nada. Solo tumba la impresora de lado, afloja los tornillos que sujetan el rodamiento, muévelo y vuelve a atornillar.
Thank you Hory! Upon installing the printer - all was working great. After the FW updates - it simply stopped - 1. The Y axis calibration and 2. No chance to connect to wifi. I tried with the bearing trick - it does not work. Downgraded to FW 5.0 and all is working. No need to touch bearing or whatever. Simply the FW is lame. Before that even the wifi module was not working. What is going on, Prusa? How is possible to publish FW updates without checking it properly?
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
I had this issue as well. Thanks to the folks who posted before. My Y-axis throw was apparently about 1-2mm too far. The solution was to move the front bearing forward (toward the user) by the same amount, and then more fully tighten the screws. I had initially passed the y-calibration but failed upon retest due to unrelated problems. I think that the Y calibrations that happen on each print had pushed the bearing back due to under-tightened screws.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
I'm here because I'm trying to fix a not broken i3 mk3s+ after "upgrading" to the MMU. Printer went from functional, to can't pass calibration. I don't get how this (mk4) design was released.
Yah. My patience with anything involving 3d printing ended in November after about 2 months of watching this piece of shit bash its x carriage into its frame. I dont understand how the reviews of this company are so good. They have wasted so much of my time fixing parts that werent broken to begin with and never actually telling me a single thing that made the damn thing work. They just ask for more money. So im sorry for being prickly and just generally unhappy. This company really has pretty much ruined several months of my life at this pont.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
I can't access these screws with the 'old' Y carriage. Do you have a new one with the threads built in?
Same issue. After one week of desperation I read this post and fixed the Y axix it in 5 minutes. Just moving the left front bearing 1 mm to the front. (yes, to the front, against the manual). Thanks to all the people who posted the solution. It works great!
PD: Nothing needs to be unmounted. Just lie the printer on its side, loose both screws of the bearing holder, move it and screw again.
Spanish translation: Tengo el mismo problema Después de una semana de desesperación leí este post y arreglé el eje Y en 5 minutos. Solo hay que mover el rodamiento izquierdo 1 mm hacia el frente (Si, hacia el frente, en contra del manual). Gracias a toda la gente que ha publicado esta solución. Funciona genial!
PD: No hace falta desmontar nada. Solo tumba la impresora de lado, afloja los tornillos que sujetan el rodamiento, muévelo y vuelve a atornillar.
I fixed that problem by moving the y rod holder up the rod off the frame 2 mm instead of moving the bearing. Put it back after that dumbass self test and now my mk4 finally works. Prusa is straight up stupid for not just fixing the firmware
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
And after I downgraded to FW 5.0 now the problem is bgcode. It accepts it with FW 5.01 and up. What a mess.
Thank you Hory! Upon installing the printer - all was working great. After the FW updates - it simply stopped - 1. The Y axis calibration and 2. No chance to connect to wifi. I tried with the bearing trick - it does not work. Downgraded to FW 5.0 and all is working. No need to touch bearing or whatever. Simply the FW is lame. Before that even the wifi module was not working. What is going on, Prusa? How is possible to publish FW updates without checking it properly?
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
Not going to get an argument from me on that - they could just add a serial.print for what the actual error is. Like is the axis to long? Too short? Too much current (ie, somethings twisted/ too tight), not enough current?
Also, having to read through the comments to find potential solutions is nuts to me. I get it, it's open source - people are going to find improvements. But this is relying on people to fix your incomplete product.
And because people in significant numbers are reporting "mine was too long" and other groups are reporting "mine was too short" you end up having to test moving the bearings out, adding a zip tie, cut the zip tie off, move the bearings back, tighten the belt more than it should be, go back and try it again with the belt looser than it should be... It's hours of circular work.
And just to make sure I'm not coming off as elitist, like I'm a hardware and embedded systems god, my programing doesn't work the first time like ever, so having debug info usually helps me get the issue tracked down. Like that's a basic necessary step. Where specifically did it fail, then you can know why.
Also, I'd like to have words with the team that did the Y carriage. Get the fastener heads on one side, preferably the top, with either threaded pockets, or a mechanism to position a locknut. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, the ball end of a hex driver is for initial driving, not allowing for poorly aligned access holes. Seriously. Redesign every access hole you can't reach with the short end of the driver.
end rant
Prusa is straight up stupid for not just fixing the firmware
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
My printer failed the very first Y-axis test also, However, after reviewing the comments in the online build instructions. manipulating bearing placement back towards centered seemed to have solved my issue on opening night. stepper motors move in fractions. so if the bearing interferes with that one critical jump, its going to kick back an issue.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
I "built" the upgrade from the mk3.5 to 4, was calibrated fine and ran well over 100 hrs of prints. I made a mistake on the nozzle replacement and broke one of the boggy board connections. I replaced the boggy board and ran calibrations. X and z were good and y failed even though i didn't touch it in the fix. I sometimes have crazy ideas. After hours of fiddling with the bearings to look like the picture and still failing, I used the controls to get the y to 210 mm. (It can handle -4, but not 211... grr) With the printer still on and level (like I said, crazy ideas), I loosened the bolt and pushed the bearing forward while keeping the carriage in place, then tighted the bearing in the new place and ran calibration. Success. This was my last ditch effort before barking up the wall. I don't recommend it, but it did work.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
This just happened to me. Except, my mk4 was fully assembled from the factory and the y belt tensioner came loose and fell apart. When I put back together I reinstalled the tensioner 180 degrees reverse. When I get home in a few hours I will repair and fingers crossed that fixes the calibration failure.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
I recently had the same issues with getting my Y axis calibration to pass. after attempting several things i reached out to Prusa'S 24/7 chat and the tech was able to figure it out. the bearings on the left of the mk4 need to have a distance between them of 46.5mm. mine was at 51.2 and kept failing. once I moved to the correct distance, vwalla!!! PASS!!
If you are having issues with your printer you need help, reach out to Prusa customer service either via email ot 24/7 chat.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
Yes!! Thanks, this saved me! The bearing on the left closest to the screen had moved and a quick repositioning saved me! I disassembled the whole bed and y motor and all, still failed, this saved me!
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
Yes, this worked for me 😎 Thnx 👍 !
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
worked for me
I recently had the same issues with getting my Y axis calibration to pass. after attempting several things i reached out to Prusa'S 24/7 chat and the tech was able to figure it out. the bearings on the left of the mk4 need to have a distance between them of 46.5mm. mine was at 51.2 and kept failing. once I moved to the correct distance, vwalla!!! PASS!!
If you are having issues with your printer you need help, reach out to Prusa customer service either via email ot 24/7 chat.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
Well, what can I say, after giving up and get used to use clipers each time calibration is happening - adjusting bearings on the left side very carefully, finally did it.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
And one more for anyone who is struggling with this - I was wondering why I cannot tighten the bearings screws to the end, and I had them always a little bit loosy, because after tightening them, my bed just won't move.
Pay really good attention at ALL bearing postioning, they should be in pockets. Not somewhere near, not at the end, not at the begining - in the pockets. That's a hard leasson i learned today when I was doing adjustments, after printing on my MK4 since I got it from preorder.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
This is the way! I had the same issue, Y test failed. Move the left side front bearing forward toward the LCD screen so it contacts the frame. Then just slightly edge it off the slightest bit possible so it now doesn't touch the frame. Test passed for the first time after many failures where I tried to center the bearing instead.
RE: Y-axis self test failing consistently
I has this problem just now after a built. The solution was to move the bearing closest to the screen TOWARD the screen to limit the motion of the Y axis to within the calibration tolerances. The bearing should be centered in the slot, not toward one side.
If you follow the instructions and place the bearings as close as possible to each other (on the extreme inside edge of the bearing slots), the Y axis movs 211mm during calibration which triggers a failure. The front bearing is the forward limit bumper. With the front bearing centered in the slot (approx. 1mm from what the instructions say), it removes the extra travel and the axis moves only 210mm. This will pass the test.