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Wifi help needed  

Mieke Noordermeer
Active Member
Wifi help needed

Hi as you can see i keep geting this error.. how to solve this?



This topic was modified 2 years ago by Mieke Noordermeer
Posted : 19/08/2023 5:52 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Wifi help needed

Hi, I think my first step would be to check the module is seated correctly (take it out and put it back in) if that did not work then I’d try to re-flash the firmware. 

best of luck

Posted : 20/08/2023 10:01 am
Mieke Noordermeer
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Wifi help needed

reseated the wifi module and done this procedure it not work..


Posted : 20/08/2023 1:48 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Wifi help needed

In that case, I’d try reflashing the Printer firmware, if this does not fix your issue then I’d contact support at prusa 

Posted by: @mieke-noordermeer

reseated the wifi module and done this procedure it not work..



Posted : 21/08/2023 9:02 am
Estimable Member
RE: Wifi help needed

Hi, just wondering if you managed to get anywhere with this problem?

Posted : 24/08/2023 7:32 pm
Active Member
RE: Wifi help needed

I just finished assembling my MK4 yesterday and had this exact same problem.

I'm going to write up the error text here so it can be better found by using the search or google:

When setting up the wi-fi module, it requires flashing firmware to it. However it fails to do so, displaying 0 / 3 Firmware flashing failed!

I tried re-seating the module, and also installing the 5.0 RC firmware, but neither fixed the issue. I tried searching all troubleshooting material Prusa offers, but this problem is not covered anywhere.

I then contacted Prusa support, and they asked me if I could see a blue LED on the module when I turn on the printer. It blinks briefly a couple of times, and after that it sporadically blinks on briefly with long periods in between. I got no explanation on how the LED is supposed to behave or what the problem was, but they are sending me a replacement wi-fi module. So I presume mine was faulty and that the blue LED is perhaps supposed to be on all the time.

Hope this helps someone with the same issue.

Posted : 11/09/2023 12:38 pm
ChiefSmeg liked
Jason Marlowe
RE: Wifi help needed

I had this exact problem. Contacted support and they sent me a new module which worked perfectly. The new one I noticed had a blinking light on it and the first one I had did not do that. Seems like the first module was doa.

Posted : 14/09/2023 2:35 am
RE: Wifi help needed

Same issue here, a quick blink when switching on machine then nothing.

New module being sent.

Will post result upon installation of new unit. 

Posted : 27/11/2023 8:16 am
Reputable Member
RE: Wifi help needed

In a different thread that I can't easily find anymore, someone had similar problems and the problem actually was a faulty xBuddy mainboard. Just mentioning this to give you another lead if replacing the WiFi module shouldn't help.

My models on Printables
Posted : 27/11/2023 9:19 am