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Using files for MK4 from previrous versions  

OK Leo
Active Member
Using files for MK4 from previrous versions

Hi all!

I'm really new to 3d printing.

All files downloaded from Printables selected for MK4 are printing fine, however when I'm trying to pring MK3 files printer says that it's not compatible with MK4. What really can be done in this case? Will using PrusaSlicer to reslice file help and in this case should I setup all settings manually?

Many thanks for reply, MK4 is my very first printer.

Respondido : 07/10/2023 10:42 am
Illustrious Member

Are you downloading gcode files?

If you download .STL , .3MF or .step and slice them for the Mk4 almost anything printable will be OK.

Caveat:  Since the site was gamified a couple of years ago there have been a lot of unprintable files uploaded, until you are experienced make it a rule only to download files where there is a photograph of a successful print.


Respondido : 07/10/2023 12:42 pm
OK Leo
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Using files for MK4 from previrous versions

Thanks for an advice!

Yes, that's true that I have downloaded gcodes straight away. I then tried to work only with STL's and now can reslice and make new gcodes for MK4, however still need to play a bit with settings and ''get into'' tuning a bit more.

Thanks for advice!

Respondido : 07/10/2023 8:46 pm
Illustrious Member

It rather depends on what you are printing but most of time the presets in PrusaSlicer will be fine.

Small toys, simple household objects, jokes and trinkets are generally no more complex to print than:  Choose the filament, choose a preset, decide whether it needs support, slice and go.  Soon you will learn to reduce support by rotating the part on the build plate to avoid overhangs and later to cut trickier ones in two, print two or more parts in optimum orientation and then join post-print.

Soon, I hope, you will begin designing you own parts - valuable prints can be surprisingly simple; one of mine that took under an hour to design, slice and print has kept a 200 ton vessel safe at sea for four years now...

It's not until you are dealing with print-in-place mechanisms and engineering parts that settings make critical differences.


Respondido : 08/10/2023 3:11 am