Time frame for instructions for upgrade Mk3ish and MMU3
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Time frame for instructions for upgrade Mk3ish and MMU3  

Honorable Member
Time frame for instructions for upgrade Mk3ish and MMU3

I don’t see the assembly instructions?  I’d like to know how much double work there would be going from

MK3S+ to Mk3.9

Mk3.9 to adding MMU3.

IIRC, adding the old MMU2s made you had to take apart the whole extruder/hot end.   I’m hoping that the new more modular set up makes that easier to do.

I understand not releasing the files for the parts, but I like to know what I’m getting into- plus I’d like to see if teh MMU is really ready for prime time.

Publié : 04/04/2023 1:19 pm
James Kirk a aimé
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