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The nut rotates "over" inside the plastic!  

Active Member
The nut rotates "over" inside the plastic!

Hey guys, now some good advice would be appreciated. I was installing the nuts in the part in the X-carriage and with the help of the screw I pulled the nut into place. However, I tightened too much and now the nut is rotating inside the plastic and it is also stuck in the screw. In other words, I can no longer remove the screw because the nut rotates with it. Do you have any advice?

Then the follow-up question: How can I get the nut to stay in place again in the later stage of the installation? With superglue?

Disclaimer: My English relies heavily on Google Translate 🙂
Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 3:39 pm
Reputable Member
RE: The nut rotates "over" inside the plastic!

Your best option is going to be a new X-carriage printed part.  Do you have another printer, or a friend who can print one for you?  If not, contact Prusa and they should be able to provide you with a replacement.

Other options... 

If you have a flat blade screwdriver with a very small blade (about the width of the "flat" on the nut) you *may* be able to jam that in beside one flat of the nut and provide enough hold to remove the screw.  A drop of penetrating oil on the threads may help with that.  But depending on how bad the threads are galled, this may not succeed -- and even if it does, will further damage the hex recess.

If you do get the screw out, you can then assess the damage to the printed part.  If the hex recess is deep enough (I do not think it is on this particular part), a washer or two that elevates the nut might move it above the damaged area.  Another possibility is to put a little epoxy around the recess perimeter, then push a new nut into the recess and allow the epoxy to fully cure before inserting the screw.

But my advice is to just get a new printed part.  

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 4:43 pm
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: The nut rotates "over" inside the plastic!

If you don't own another printer - use superglue to fix the nuts. Then reprent the part, when serviceing the printer or the extruder replace it. I would go with superglue

Best regards, Clemens

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 4:56 pm
Prominent Member
RE: The nut rotates "over" inside the plastic!

Another vote for superglue here too. 

Go with ScottW’s advice for removing the screw by jamming something in to hold the nut. Once you get a few turns going it should come out much easier. Then insert some superglue to hold the nut. As long as the nut holds I don’t see why you’d need to re-print the part to be fair - you could just leave as it is. 

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Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 9:17 pm
James Kirk und Kuraperan3D gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: The nut rotates "over" inside the plastic!

Thank you for your advice. I ended up with this solution. I glued a hex spacer to the nut with super glue (extended with a small piece of screw) and then clamped everything in a vise. Using a adjustable spanner to prevent rotation, I was able to unscrew the screw. Now I have glued the nut in place with super glue and can continue the assembly. Thanks guys.

Disclaimer: My English relies heavily on Google Translate 🙂
Veröffentlicht : 27/08/2023 3:53 pm
ChiefSmeg und ScottW gefällt das