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[Risolto] Nasty double-jam -- any ideas?  

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Nasty double-jam -- any ideas?

Midway through a long print job using some inexpensive (but fresh from the package!) PLA, the filament broke in three places:

1. Just at the entry to the extruder (can't go up)

2. Just above the feeder gear

3. Just below the feeder gear (can't go down)

Clearing the jam while the extruder is mounted and assembled seems impossible to me, but I would very graciously appreciate suggestions.

(Needless to say, I won't be trying such a job with this filament again.)

Postato : 25/10/2023 4:55 pm
Illustrious Member

Dry the filament.  Never assume new filament is dry, you never know how and for how long it was stored in the warehouse.


Postato : 25/10/2023 10:25 pm
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Topic starter answered:
RE: Nasty double-jam -- any ideas?

I was able to clear the bottom jam via cold pull.


I partly cleared the top jam using a technique that I won't even mention (probably unwise, but it mostly worked), but ultimately needed to totally disassemble the extruder, as there was a problem with the filament sensor, and yet another jam at the top of the extruder main plate.

In hindsight, I should have just taken the extruder apart to begin with. It's a fairly simple process that becomes easier with practice, though I hope to not have to do it again soon.

Postato : 30/10/2023 5:14 pm