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MK4 x axis self test failure  

Strona 2 / 3
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

Had the same issue, but for me it was one of the two bearings on the bottom slightly protruding to the right. pushing it in fixed it. (Assembly 3.29)

Opublikowany : 17/08/2023 12:42 pm
Ty polubić
Honorable Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

Here is the cover remix. The cover is equipped with a hook that catches on one of the posts holding the Nextruder and prevents the cover from moving away from the Nextruder and hitting the X-axis holder:

Opublikowany : 18/08/2023 6:36 am
Barry Robbins polubić
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

It happened the same thing to me; I just put a new zip ties as the picture below... and that's it, now all axis test works fine.

Opublikowany : 18/08/2023 12:38 pm
Corey Manders
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

For months I had this issue. It turned out for me it was also a bearing protruding slightly.

Posted by: @kalle-fornication

Had the same issue, but for me it was one of the two bearings on the bottom slightly protruding to the right. pushing it in fixed it. (Assembly 3.29)


Opublikowany : 19/08/2023 5:07 am
Ty polubić
Tori Berger
Active Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

I had an x-axis failure too.  I was convinced it was that cover on the right side, but after taking it off and it continued to fail I had to hunt more.  It turns out in my case it was the screw for the print fan hinge - it was sticking up a hair too far and it wasn't going all the way left.

Opublikowany : 20/08/2023 12:14 pm
Prominent Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

In my video guide (link in sig) I actually add a step to Prusa’s instructions whereby the bearing locations are double checked before sealing into place with a cover, and I also advise moving the carriage all the way to the left side immediately after installing the zip ties in order to ensure they do not touch the PSU cover at all - that way you know all is well and you will not have the X-axis error later on during first calibration. The videos add several of these ‘checks’ throughout the build, resulting in my initial calibration all passing first time, no issues at all…….

Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Opublikowany : 20/08/2023 9:16 pm
Just Bravo
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

I just assembled my MK4 kit and wasn't able to pass the self test due to x axis issues too. Saw some people said that the side cover of the Buddy assembly must be really snug - I looked at mine and I went to the manual and saw my cables seemed a little stiffer, I carefully adjusted and smoothed them out more, attached the side cover again. When putting the top cover back on, it really did seem to snap into place more - all self checks good after, printing now!

 in all I would say when attaching the side cover, to really ensure it isn't attached and awkward. it should be snapped into place and add to a smooth silhouette of the right side of the printer. 

Opublikowany : 27/08/2023 7:16 am
Eminent Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

At my kit build, it was a bearing that was not flush with the housing. 
It must have pressed out with the rubber during assembly. 
Now all tests pass and the Mk4 is printing its ass off 🤣 

Opublikowany : 29/08/2023 3:09 pm
Ty polubić
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

This was the best example why it fails in my case. Thank you 🙂


Opublikowany : 11/09/2023 6:15 pm
Gregory Verba
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure


Posted by: @gregory-verba

I have the same issue. X axis calibrations fails and I found it was due to Love board right cover was in touch with trapezoidal nut / trapezoidal nut screw  during the movement to the right. I tried to re-seat it but still no success. It mounted with only one screw on the right and cables pushing it a little bit out. I will try today using M3x10 low head screw on trapezoidal nut but I am not sure if it will help. Without the cover, test pass successfully. 

I finally managed to solve x axis calibration failure. I redesigned love board cover right and now it passes x axis calibration without any issue. If anyone need it, I can share the design. 

Opublikowany : 26/09/2023 5:01 pm
Jon916 polubić
Active Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

I wouldn't mind checking it out, doesn't hurt to throw it on printables maybe you'll earn some points for it 🙂

Appreciate it

Opublikowany : 26/09/2023 9:14 pm
Gregory Verba polubić
Eminent Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

My x-axis calibration failure was caused by the four screws in the bottom of the extruder carriage. They were too tight. I loosened them up a bit at a time until the self-test was successful. Note that I could print just fine as assembled.

Opublikowany : 26/09/2023 11:38 pm
Jon916 polubić
Eminent Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

My x-axis calibration failure was caused by the four screws in the bottom of the extruder carriage. They were too tight. I loosened them up a bit at a time until the self-test was successful. Note that I could print just fine as assembled.

Opublikowany : 26/09/2023 11:38 pm
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure


Posted by: @k1mu

My x-axis calibration failure was caused by the four screws in the bottom of the extruder carriage. They were too tight. I loosened them up a bit at a time until the self-test was successful. Note that I could print just fine as assembled.

Which might indicate the bearings are not seated correctly. I had an issue on the Y axis (the two on the left side) where the bearings would not run free until realigned into the housing. I'd check it out again.

Opublikowany : 27/09/2023 2:08 am
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

This post should be pinned.

"The X carriage should be able to travel to the left and right so far that none of the steel rods can be seen at the maximum left and right travel."

  I think most users will find that there is something limiting the nextruder from reaching the limits of travel... 

In my case it was the zip ties in back of the nextruder - the ones that hold the wire bundle...

Opublikowany : 28/09/2023 2:35 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

Having this error repeatedly on my self-assembled kit.

It's not the zip ties, they touch nothing at full movement range.  Belt tension is per the belt tuning app.  The pulley wheels seem to be as instructed.

Thought it might be the right side love board cover, rearranged the wires so that it definitely sits as flush as possible.  It touches, but it's supposed to?  Nothing of the rails is visible at either extreme.

In fact, as of my last few selftests, obstructions at either either end CAN'T be the problem.  The extruder starts off approximately in the center, it grinds as it makes a lot of small left to right movements, then fails.  It does not travel to the left or right ends.

Opublikowany : 01/10/2023 11:28 pm
Gregory Verba
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

You can try to print my modified cover.

It solved x axis calibration issues for me once and forever.

The part is pretty simple and fast to print. Worth a try.

Posted by: @rsilvester

Having this error repeatedly on my self-assembled kit.

It's not the zip ties, they touch nothing at full movement range.  Belt tension is per the belt tuning app.  The pulley wheels seem to be as instructed.

Thought it might be the right side love board cover, rearranged the wires so that it definitely sits as flush as possible.  It touches, but it's supposed to?  Nothing of the rails is visible at either extreme.

In fact, as of my last few selftests, obstructions at either either end CAN'T be the problem.  The extruder starts off approximately in the center, it grinds as it makes a lot of small left to right movements, then fails.  It does not travel to the left or right ends.


Opublikowany : 02/10/2023 5:46 am
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

After extensive troubleshooting, it turns out Firmware 5.0.0 will lead to X-axis test failure for no reason. Do hardware reset while USB drive is plugged in with Firmware 4.7.2 loaded on it, and X-axis test will pass!

Opublikowany : 02/10/2023 12:59 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

No reliable way to print a new one.  And like I said, the self-test doesn't even encounter that theoretical obstruction before failing.

Opublikowany : 02/10/2023 1:24 pm
RE: MK4 x axis self test failure

Hi Gregory,

Would you mind share your re-design? I got the same problem, thanks in advance!


Opublikowany : 02/10/2023 8:57 pm
Strona 2 / 3