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[Rozwiązany] Mk4 screen goes blank after some time  

Strona 9 / 9
SPS Architects
RE: Mk4 screen goes blank after some time

Ugh.  Looks like I might have the same problem.  New MK4S Pre-assembled.   🙁

Opublikowany : 20/09/2024 5:13 pm
Active Member
RE: Mk4 screen goes blank after some time


No Wonder. It was just a matter of time before the first MK4S showed this issue (a look at the MK4S kit assembly manual reveals that they did not change anything on xLCD display cable installation procedure).

Improving to the MK4S Prusa was only interested by making money (Who needs NFC on a 3d printer ? A display that works efficiently is what people need !).

Solving complex technical issues seems not to be their priority.

Opublikowany : 21/09/2024 7:20 am
Strona 9 / 9