Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes
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Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes  

Chris Barnes
Eminent Member
Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Brand New MK4 kit.  Previously Have built an MK3 and upgraded to MK3S and then to MK3S+.  I have also built 4 Prusa Mini+ machines.  The build went as to be expected, read the comments on parts that were stumping me and then I went for the Pre-Flight.  Powered on the Unit, watched the Fans pass and then the X, Y, and Z calibrations starts.  The Z-Axis never goes past a third of the way down while the X-axis does, IMO, a normal calibration except on the screen I get a wide array of numbers from -0.25 all the way up to 9.0 for the X position.  The Y-Axis at times also fails like it just does not want to complete.

Any suggestions?

Posted : 13/10/2023 9:28 pm
Active Member
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Any news on your case? I‘m still stuck with my z-axis problem and haven‘t heard anything from Prusa and the dev team… 😕

Posted : 20/10/2023 6:31 pm
Chris Barnes
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Sorry for the delay.  We have been troubleshooting the problem.  Still do not have a definitive solution.  They want to replace the X motor however I am not sure that will fix the entire problem.  I still fail on the other axis as well unless they believe that solving the X first is the beginning of the troubleshooting venture.

During my steps, they did have me downgrade and verify all of the belt tensions.  we first tried with tightening and then loosening with the range and still no luck.

Posted : 28/10/2023 5:31 pm
MakerBear liked
Active Member
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Oh my. I’ll keep my fingers crossed while waiting to hear back from Prusa. Thanks!

Posted : 28/10/2023 5:39 pm
Chris Barnes
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Let me know if you have any luck on your problem too if you don’t mind.

Posted : 28/10/2023 10:55 pm
MakerBear liked
Active Member
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Today, I stumbled upon a solution for my problem. During the initial calibration, I put some weight on the z-axis when it started moving down (using two fingers on the left and right ends of the x-axis assembly). With this, z-axis moved beyond the 1/3 point and finished the calibration using the final approach with the load cell. 

All this seems a little bit odd to me - I have reassembled the z-axes once, checked the rods and have found no points with elevated resistance or friction. 

Currently, the printer is working - I have to get some minor flaws sorted (see the benchy below), but right now, I’m very happy that I can print!

Maybe a similarly simple solution appears for your problem, too?

Posted : 01/11/2023 8:39 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Ähm, i had the same issue some days ago. For me the cause was the alpha2 firmware.

I had to downgrade the FW to the last stable: voila, everything is working fine again.


Posted : 03/11/2023 11:06 am
MakerBear liked
Active Member
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Cool. I'm on the latest stable, 5.0.0+12061... And earlier today, I had to do an xyz-calibration because nozzle cleaning failed - the printer tried to do that 5cm up in the air. 🙄 

Posted : 03/11/2023 12:10 pm
Active Member
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Oh: half an hour ago, 5.0.1 was released. My printer's currently printing, but the release notes mention improvements for self test and homing. 

See here. I will post any findings if that release improves things!

Posted : 03/11/2023 2:27 pm
Active Member
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

5.0.1 did not resolve the issue (actually, I had the feeling, it got worse). The alpha2 firmware, however, has a lot of code changes for calibration. Find the discussion here or if you're curious, take a look at the changed source code for the alpha2 (takes a sec to load all the changes, and then jumps to the SensitivityCalibration class)...

Posted : 04/11/2023 9:25 am
Chris Barnes
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Just a quick update for those searching out there.  I remembered reading in another post about removing the buddy cover on the right side to get the x-axis to pass.  I am now successfully able to get the x-axis to pass self test.  Support believes that the wires are not seated properly causing the cover to stand out a little further than necessary.  I flattened the wires as much as I could and reran the self test.  It failed again.  I went ahead and removed the cover, ran the self test and the y-axis is now reporting a failure but the x passes.

I will begin troubleshooting the y-axis now and report back what I can find.

Posted : 13/01/2024 8:18 pm
Chris Barnes
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Initial Self-Test Help. X and Z axis always fail and Y axis does sometimes

Looking through all of the posts I see that there are a lot of people suggesting that the bearings under the heat bed need to be inset further than with the other Prusa products.  I was able to move the left front bearing back about 2mm and now the Y-axis passes every time.

What I assumed before was not correct for the new generation of machines.  My apologies.

Posted : 07/02/2024 2:03 pm
ssmith liked
Franz Liebl

Ich bin auch frustriert

Die Z-Achse fährt zwar nach dem Testen nach oben, aber dann kommt das rote Kreuzchen.

Beim Chat kann keiner deutsch und aufs email warte ich noch immer.

Habe schon alles mehrfach überprüft, und bin nun am Ende meiner Weisheit.

Kann nur allen raten, sich keinen Bausatz zu kaufen. (vor allem wenn man "nur" deutsch kann)

Wenns gut geht OK aber man liest ja hier, das es nicht immer gut geht.

Bin neugierig wann und ob sich wer zurückmeldet.




This post was modified 12 months ago by Franz Liebl
Posted : 13/02/2024 8:44 am