Overall the benchy print went pretty well. I printed with Gray PLA+ filament using the Filatech PLA+ filament settings @ .20mm speed in the prusaslicer.
The oddest thing is that the box height, is low by .35mm and the outside diameter of the chimney should be 7.00mm and I'm getting 6.70mm otherwise everything is good by +/- .05mm
Any easy things to do to improve what looks like an already great first print?
Print Calibration Cube and adjust via the flow. Print cube with 30x30 and 1 perimeter. Measure the thickness from the walls. They must be the same like the line width of 0.45. Use the following formula to determine the extrusion modifier. Extrusion multiplier = (extrusion width (0.45) / average measured wall thickness)
Set the new modifier and repeat the testcube. Repeat the whole process until it fits.