Barry Bear shifting layer
Hi Prusa-Community,
My new MK4 had, after 125 hours flawless printtime, it’s first layer shift.
I’m aware of this helpsite:
But before I fiddle around with belttension and potentially worsen the printer - “bear” in mind it printed 125h good-I wonder if the layerhight 0,1mm could have caused the problem I run the standard 0,4mm nozzle.
I tried to upload the gcode but this is not allowed (?)
The room temperature in my basement is currently quite cold 16° Celsius.
Thanks is advance for any hint!
Best Answer by Diem:
I see you have been trying variable layers...
I would reslice with 0.2mm layers, adding detail at the tops of the feet, shoulders, head and ears. The upper half of the head may benefit from a lower level of added detail.
Instead of the cylindrical enforcer, try paint-on supports, use organic for this model.
To experiment with enclosures and find out whether or not they help your case invert a large cardboard box over the printer; a quick and dirty, cheap, test.
RE: Barry Bear shifting layer
Gcode is not very useful generally anyway. Its far far better to upload a saved Prusa Slicer project file. The 3mf saved by prusa will contain the model(s) as well as all the settings you are using as well as things like modifiers, VLH etc. Its a snapshot. If the gcode is needed it can be sliced and generated in situ.
The forum only allows a very limited number of file types. gcode, bgcode, 3mf etc are all not allowed. You have to ZIP them up before attaching them.
The forum only allows a very limited number of file types. gcode, bgcode, 3mf etc are all not allowed. You have to ZIP them up before attaching them.
I checked the video of the night and might have found the issue. It seems the generic cylinder I installed for support made the extruder jump:
Zipped video:
We are seeing quite a few low temperature print failures atm. Low temperatures and drafts encourage warping which fights bed adhesion - you have some poor adhesion under the right leg. If this warped up into the path of the print head then the collision could have caused the layer shift. The 0.1mm layer height makes this more likely with only a slight warp.
Gcode just contains the mistakes (if any), a zipped 3MF project file contains many of the causes and is easier to diagnose.
RE: Barry Bear shifting layer
That makes sense. Thx for your input!
Gcode just contains the mistakes (if any), a zipped 3MF project file contains many of the causes and is easier to diagnose.
It took a bit until my post with the project file and video got made visible. You ought to see it now, I guess.
RE: Barry Bear shifting layer
Any recommendations how I could have printed the bear better?
I’m really struggle printing PETG:
I guess it’s too cold in my basement. An enclosure would be faboulous which I’m building rught now. But I nees the parts 😆
I see you have been trying variable layers...
I would reslice with 0.2mm layers, adding detail at the tops of the feet, shoulders, head and ears. The upper half of the head may benefit from a lower level of added detail.
Instead of the cylindrical enforcer, try paint-on supports, use organic for this model.
To experiment with enclosures and find out whether or not they help your case invert a large cardboard box over the printer; a quick and dirty, cheap, test.
RE: Barry Bear shifting layer
Thank you very much for your time and the input.
I will try to modify according to your modifications and try again.
RE: Barry Bear shifting layer
Hi Diem,
the past days I built the prusa enclosure. Now I try to modify with your recommendations.
I managed to add organic paint-on supports - see attached file.
Now to this:
I would reslice with 0.2mm layers, adding detail at the tops of the feet, shoulders, head and ears. The upper half of the head may benefit from a lower level of added detail.
I tried mouseclick left "Add detail" according to:
But there is an "Error: Variable layer hight is not supported with Organic support"
I then tried to use a modifier (sphere) but I couldn't find "layer hight" which I'm trying to modify (0.15mm(?)) to add Detail.
I added a *.3mf with my progress.
Any hint is welcomed.
Interesting. I now realise that although I use both I have never tried to combine the two - use snug supports, they will be OK for this model.
Rough guide: Organic shapes - eg figurines, use organic support.
Most small to medium sized practical parts, use snug support.
Very tall parts - use grid support.
RE: Barry Bear shifting layer
Thanks for this headsup! I will try this out in the upcoming prints.