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3.5S Upgrade RPM test fail  

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3.5S Upgrade RPM test fail

I just upgraded my MK3S to the MK3.5S. When I begin the RPM test, the left (hot end-square) gets up to 7,400+ RPM and the print fan gets up to 5,600+ RPM. During the actual test, neither of them get anywhere close to these numbers. The hot end fan only gets to 4,000 RPM and the print fan only gets to 3,500 RPM and then fails. It is only the print fan that fails.

I have:

Cleaned both fans

Removed both and tried holding/not holding them

Upgraded firmware to 6.1.3

Checked cabling

Switched fan cords-which made them both fail

All other calibration tests passed first try

The only thing I can think of to try at this point is to replace the print fan. Any other suggestions?

Napsal : 03/12/2024 12:07 am