Printer heatbed turns off when build plate is lowered onto it.
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Printer heatbed turns off when build plate is lowered onto it.  

Eminent Member
Printer heatbed turns off when build plate is lowered onto it.

Been having a lot of resets lately. (Like, all the time.)

Took the cap off the bed attachment header and attached a voltmeter.  With the build plate off the heater bed, after setting the machine to preheat for PLA, the bed gets 24-ish volts and starts heating up.

But as soon - like immediately and always - as I lower the build plate onto the bed, the voltage drops to zero.


Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 days von Cranberryhiker
Veröffentlicht : 22/03/2025 9:44 pm