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XL vs MK3.5S MMU3 vs MK3S+ MMU3  

Reputable Member
XL vs MK3.5S MMU3 vs MK3S+ MMU3

I created a Christmas tree ornament using the logo of the organization where my kids play hockey. Think a hockey puck type of ornament, 100mm diameter, and 12mm thick. On my 5-tool XL the current print time is 1 hour 11 minutes.

Over Black Friday I decided to treat my MK3S+ with the 3.5S upgrade and MMU3. Neither have arrived yet, but I wanted to experiment in PrusaSlicer and see what the print time would be on 3.5S. I was a bit surprised to see the time at 2 hours and 44 minutes. Now I realized the MMU is considerably slower to change colors than what the XL can do, but with only 12 changes, I wouldn’t expect it to be that much of a difference. I’m guessing a lot of that difference is with the Nextruder? Prints speeds are pretty much ~ 1/3 of the XL.

My biggest surprise though was seeing what the 3S+ would do. I was a bit surprised to see it was 2 hours and 58 minutes. I was expecting a far longer print time. Although I left all the print speeds to their default settings, am I expecting too much from the 3.5S?

Mini+MK3S+XL 5 Tool

Publié : 14/12/2024 9:43 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XL vs MK3.5S MMU3 vs MK3S+ MMU3

You could slice it without color changes and see how much time the MMU3 would take up from that.
And it's also depends a lot on the model. Outer perimeters are printed slower and may increase the overall print time. Try different models to check the actual speed difference.

I had some models on an MK3.9S were putting the print speed to 200% only gave me a few minutes within a 2hrs print, while other models were almost done in half the time.

Publié : 18/01/2025 10:55 am
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