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New print bed really necessary for old MK3?  

New print bed really necessary for old MK3?

Hi *,

as this is my first post on this forum, a brief introduction: my name is Toby, I'm from Munich in Germany and I bought my MK3s back when it was released.

Now for my question: the documentation says that I need a new print bed because mine has soldered connections. Of course, I am willing to pay the extra if it is necessary, but is it really? Couldn't I just solder the new connectors to the old cables and use the old bed? Or are there further changes between bed versions that I am not aware of?

Thanks for any advice 🙂



Publié : 30/08/2024 4:11 pm
RE: New print bed really necessary for old MK3?

Hi Toby

From my experience the new print bed is not needed. There is also no need to solder anything as you can use the already attached wires with the new mainboard. I described my experience in more detail here:

Grüsse Daniel

Publié : 05/09/2024 9:10 am
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