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XYZ Calibration Firmware 3.12.2 MK3S+  

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XYZ Calibration Firmware 3.12.2 MK3S+

So general question about XYZ Calibration.

I recently change my nozzle since my last one was wearing down. 

Upon doing regular calibration ( self test) everything was fine, but when doing XYZ calibration as the extruder came down on the 1st point ( front left), instead of swirling downwards and then starting to probe the bed ( MK52 heated bed), it automatically started to prove the bed. It did took a little longer then usual and at times catching the paper, but did finish and moved on to the next point. 

Has something changed in the calibration method for firmware 3.12.2? When probing finishes it moves on to the next probe point and starts swirling down and probes the bed with no issue ( no bed crashing nor catching on the paper).

There after all other points behave as normal ( swirl and then probing), calibration ends and all is good no errors printer is perpendicular.

Don't know if this is the new norm?, or is something wrong with my first point?

Has anyone else experienced this when calibrating ???

Side Note: Have al already adjusted the P.I.N.D.A probe using the recommended zip tie method and at times lowering 1-2 treads

distance tested .8mm ( credit card thickness), 3d printed tool 1.5mm and still get the same results.


Postato : 01/05/2023 6:59 am