What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
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What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?  

Stránka 5 / 20
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would like to see an option to have to confirm the sheet profile before each print.

I am not a heavy 24/7 print farm printer, but I have all three scheets. It happend too often that I switch the sheet and forget to switch the profile in the settings - I know it's stupid - but it's me 😉 Therefore I would like to be bugged with an alert confirming the sheet profile once I select a file to print.

Of course this should be optional so people who are more disciplined or only have one sheet do not get bugged every time...

Then I would like to be able to select my files from a network drive - but I guess a) that would be to much for the 8-bit-firmware and the current hardware and b) that might be coming with a future hardware (and bit) upgrade...

Napsal : 21/05/2021 9:09 am
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @skipper-3d

I would like to see an option to have to confirm the sheet profile before each print.

I am not a heavy 24/7 print farm printer, but I have all three scheets. It happend too often that I switch the sheet and forget to switch the profile in the settings - I know it's stupid - but it's me 😉 Therefore I would like to be bugged with an alert confirming the sheet profile once I select a file to print.

Of course this should be optional so people who are more disciplined or only have one sheet do not get bugged every time...

Then I would like to be able to select my files from a network drive - but I guess a) that would be to much for the 8-bit-firmware and the current hardware and b) that might be coming with a future hardware (and bit) upgrade...

That is a good idea and a decent upgrade to the current or upgraded sheet system.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 21/05/2021 10:07 am
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Yeah, that one has caught me several times. Make the selection, walk away, and come back later to find something completely different printing/printed than what I was expecting.

Hear ye, Hear ye! Step right up folks and get your Government salvation here! Less than $.002 per word! Amazon.com/dp/B0B8XMMFP4

Napsal : 21/05/2021 12:53 pm
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


I hate when that happens.  I happens a few times a month for me also.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 21/05/2021 1:24 pm
Jan Roslan @ ROSLAN
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

My take on this:


I think we need both MeatPack compression and G2/G3 support. Both of them are already PR's on Github and they make fully sense. As Prusa Connect is only a step away and the motion buffer on MK3 is very limited both Prusa Connect and Octoprint will benefit since stuttering is very likely with detailed objects and round curves. Meatpack and G2/G3 will approx. double the effective throughput of the Serial connection and will eliminate that stutter. And I mean it only makes sense (from a business perspective also) for Prusa Connect to function just as good and even better than SD card.

This post was modified před 3 years by Jan Roslan @ ROSLAN
Napsal : 21/05/2021 1:55 pm
bobstro a AiiPrint se líbí
Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would very much like to see these two features:

Randomize print positions on the bed (prolongs sheet life). I print the same parts over and over, and I have to keep several different gcodes on my SD card, and remember which is the last one I printed, so I can keep moving the parts around to prolong sheet life. Having this done automatically would be excellent.

170 °C during Mesh Bed Leveling like on the MINI+ (prevent dripping). This is also at the very top of my wish list! I LOVE how the MINI+ handles this - I don't need to preheat it, clean the nozzle, start the print, and watch it autolevel to make sure it doesn't leave globs on the bed... I just hit "print" and walk away. I've been really, really hoping that this behavior would make it's way over to the MK3S/+!

This post was modified před 3 years by PotatoFi
Napsal : 21/05/2021 1:56 pm
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I love the idea of the individual object cancelling. It would've saved countless hours thanks to failed prints and adhesion.

The 170C mesh levelling is a must. I manage to do this with custom start G-Code, but would be great to have it supported natively.

I would like some kind of reminder to clean the bed, maybe an optional popup on the LCD?

A nozzle change feature, like Bob suggested, would be great to have. I'm running the Nozzle X on my main one, but default on my secondary Mk3S. Might upgrade.


Napsal : 21/05/2021 2:01 pm
Ron Harding
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would like it if "Pause Print" function (either from the front panel, or via the M601 command) did not immediately cool down the nozzle.

When I pause a print, it's usually do something very quick (remove a bit of wayward filament; place an embedded part; a quick pass with a brass brush to de-ooze the nozzle).  But then I have to wait while it warms up again, and oozes.

Maybe wait a minute or so before turning off the heater. This could be a configurable setting.

Napsal : 21/05/2021 2:04 pm
RedDawg, AiiPrint, Marvin a 1 lidem se líbí
Tomas Kapler
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Sometimes it happens, that printer thinks, that it prints, but it does not (clogged filament, not noticed that filament is out ...) - it would be great if it would be possible in that case to stop the print (or restart the last print) and go backward from the end of Gcode manualy with the knob (so the head would do the oposite movements) and when i will see it touches the place, where it ended, i would restart it again so it would continue.

Napsal : 21/05/2021 2:15 pm
Kalimero a AiiPrint se líbí
Tomas Kapler
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would also like to have an option to turn off/cancel the bed leveling procedure for the just started prints - when i printed something and i have allready leveled bed, it took a minute or so and i have to wait at the printer. 

Napsal : 21/05/2021 2:18 pm
JVleugels a RedDawg se líbí
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Individual object cancelling. The framework is already there in mainline Marlin (and RRF) so should be fast to implement. Having worked on this in an OctoPrint plugin and the Marlin prototype, I do think there are some slicing changes that need to be made that may need to be considered to make this feature work flawlessly. 

Napsal : 21/05/2021 2:19 pm
Ty se líbí
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Prusa Slicer already has the ability to label each gcode line with the model its for, although the option is not enabled by default (thankfully) so I'm not sure that the slicer would have to be updated for this.

Napsal : 21/05/2021 2:50 pm
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


I am aware of this, and actually it is enabled by default now! My point is that the placement of these labels is suboptimal in PrusaSlicer (and Cura) when some features are enabled (retractions+wiping).

Napsal : 21/05/2021 2:52 pm
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Individual object cancelling please.

Napsal : 21/05/2021 3:07 pm
RedDawg se líbí
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

A few ideas I already have:

1. 5x5 mesh bed leveling
7x7 mesh bed leveling needs a lot of time while sometimes 3x3 isn't accurate enough for big prints. 5x5 would therefore be a great option so you'd have an option you could keep enabled all the time.


2. faster scrolling through temperatures/values
Every time I change my nozzle, it needs a bit of time to scroll up to 285° to get my nozzle to the optimum temperature for nozzle changing. It would be great if the amount of degrees changes by each knob step would depend on the turning speed. So if you are turning it slowly, you could still set values as exactly as right now but if you are turning the knob faster, then every "step" changes the value for example 5 degrees so you could reach your aimed value faster.


3. customizable temperature presets
This one probably explains itself, but it would be great to be able to set and maybe even name your own presets for different materials or nozzle changes in pretty much the same way as the different steel sheet profiles.


4. more temperature presets (not needed if "3." will be implemented)
Presets like for example a nozzle change preset with a nozzle temperature of 285° while your bed still stays cool.


5. Different preheating behavior
This one is just if there is really a lot if Flash-space spare. Usually the heatbed needs much more time to preheat to the optimum temperature than the nozzle. If you start nozzle heating a bit later (so when the heatbed already reached 30-40°) they would be at their goal temperature with a smaller time difference between these two events. This would have the effect that there would probably be less plastic leaking out of the nozzle. (this one would be not needed if the mesh bed leveling would be done at 170° as already suggested)

Napsal : 21/05/2021 3:18 pm
printing overnight
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

170°C Mesh Bed Leveling would be nice to have, but I'm pretty happy with the 8-bit-firmware.

So please concentrate your developer ressources on 32-bit-firmware for the Mini+ instead:

  1. Get that filament runout sensor working that you charged me for, but that doesn't work on OctoPrint prints!
  2. Display progress from the OctoPrint Stream on screen!
  3. Allow for menu interaction like filament change without having to disconnect from OctoPrint!

All three things work absolute fine on my MK3S+, but annoy me every single day on my Mini+.
Get your job done, devs!

Napsal : 21/05/2021 3:22 pm
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Resonance compensation and Arc welder. Need to step forward!

1. Resonance compensation as in Klipper. Reduce ringing by controlling the movement with the mass of the extruder unit in calculation. No need for acceleration sensor if Prusa can provide the reference value. Can be done within PrusaSlicer I guess. We need to step forward. I really think Prusa can do better than others regarding print quality. 

2. Arc welder or similar for gcode compression. This is a must for 8 bit boards to print fast. 


Napsal : 21/05/2021 4:02 pm
TimeMaster a se líbí
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @moonblade

[...] 2. Arc welder or similar for gcode compression. This is a must for 8 bit boards to print fast. 

ArcWelder works by replacing repetitive G0/G1 commands with G2/G3 arc moves, thus reducing the gcode size. Rather than interpret anything, it would make better sense to:

  • Update PrusaSlicer to generate G2/G3 arc moves where possible rather than let a plugin try to guess.
  • Enable the G2/G3 features already present in Marlin. 

That way, the Mk3 and PrusaSlicer would "speak" Arcs with no interpretation needed and we'd get both smaller gcode size (and thus less serial transfer load) and better arc handling in general.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 21/05/2021 4:12 pm
TimeMaster, Gigios, jurassic73 a 1 lidem se líbí
Black Lotus
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Improved sheet profile management (maybe even with some UI in PrusaSlicer to manage the profiles and adjust the EEPROM settings), like possibility of skipping calibration, setting a Z value (and a name) directly on a profile without the need for the calibration process or live Z, profile management through G-/M-Codes and similar things to make working with multiple printers, materials and sheets easier.

I have multiple printers and multiple sheets, so I'd prefer to calibrate a new (or rebuilt/upgraded+) printer with one sheet of known height (or more precisely: with a sheet where i know the height difference between that sheet and each of the other sheets). This would allow me to dial in the printer side of things with that sheet profile - and i could then calculate all the other sheet offsets based on the values from an existing printer (or the same printer before i rebuilt/upgraded it) and easily and quickly create/install profiles for all sheets and materials onto the printer.

This post was modified před 3 years by Black Lotus
Napsal : 21/05/2021 4:22 pm
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Better MMU2 Support.


Mine sometimes has problems when unloading, and then completely locks up where I need to restart the printer.

Napsal : 21/05/2021 5:12 pm
Stránka 5 / 20