What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
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What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?  

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Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

You can edit your end gcode block in PS to unload the filament if that is what you want to do every print.  No change required to the printer firmware.  Just add in a large extruder negative value and it will pull the filament out of the hotend for you.  Be a pain though if you want to print something else with the same filament afterwards.  Thats the point of the custom gcode areas, you the user can make it work how you want.

However I should point out that at least on the MK3 printers (which this thread is about changes to) that Prusa expects the user to manually remove the filament immediately on unload as the thin string can still be between the bondtech gears.  So if you go to remove it afterwards there's a likely hood that the thin string breaks and remains in the gears/ptfe tube.  This could potentially cause issues with loading new filament.

In summary unattended filament unloading is not recommended.

Postato : 17/03/2022 9:51 am
Tu hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

as the thin string can still be between the bondtech gears. 

Thank you for your Answer.

I didn't pay attention to that and of course it wouldn't be good

Postato : 17/03/2022 1:25 pm
Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Preheat ready beeping would be great! 🙂

Postato : 21/03/2022 6:44 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Posted by: @luk

Preheat ready beeping would be great! 🙂

Add that to your start gcode in your Prusa Slicer profile and you can have a sounds when it reaches the preheat temps.  Doesn't require any firmware change.

Postato : 21/03/2022 7:35 pm
jsw hanno apprezzato
Famed Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Go to https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/prusa-specific-g-codes_112173. What you're looking for is M300. As neophyl said, put it in the startup custom gcode in PrusaSlicer. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Postato : 21/03/2022 7:46 pm
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I'd like that the profiles for the flex steel plates would save not only the Z first layer but also the bed level corrections. I own three plates and each needs different values for right-left-front-rear, so I have to keep a record of these values and change them every time I switch plates.

Postato : 22/03/2022 9:30 am
Antimix hanno apprezzato
David H. Brown
Eminent Member
Posted by: @neophyl


Posted by: @luk

Preheat ready beeping would be great! 🙂

Add that to your start gcode in your Prusa Slicer profile and you can have a sounds when it reaches the preheat temps.  Doesn't require any firmware change.

This recommendation doesn't make sense to me. I think it would work only if I'd started a print... but if I were printing, I wouldn't need a beep because as soon as the temperatures are reached I'll hear the printer start to measure the bed.

The real value of beeping when preheat is reached would be when selecting a preheat from the control panel, e.g., to load filament. Especially with the 12V Mk 2, getting the nozzle to temperature can take long enough that I'll turn my attention to something else and forget about the printer.

Postato : 22/03/2022 12:39 pm
Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

No, It would be great to have beep ready without any gcode print start.

I allways first preheat, clean nozzle, and then start gcode printing.

Postato : 23/03/2022 7:00 am
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I'd like to see the sensor readings (PINDA, FINDA, Filament) all the while. Not onlly when selecting "Support|Sensor Info". And it should be a permenent reading, not only while printing, also while loading/unloading filament, calibrating, ... It could be realised as a binary display, using only one character in lets say the right topmost corner of the display, with 0 meaning all sensers off, 1, 2 and 4 resp. for the single sensors up to 7 for all sensors on.
Furthermore I ask for correcting the flaw, that sometimes the sensor info from the MMU ist not available.

Postato : 05/04/2022 11:11 am
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

This would be an alternative selfmade solution:

With the LED solution, the status of the sensors is constantly visually detectable.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Postato : 05/04/2022 7:20 pm
Antimix hanno apprezzato
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I haven't read all 16 pages, but with many users using OctoPrint, some integration would be nice.. like:

a) the ability to track printer hours and filament usage no matter the origin of the print (SD or serial port)

b) some recording of the current X,Y,Z position after each step so if power fails, Octoprint could create an option to start a print at a particular spot.. I just lost a 9 hr print to a 2 second power hiccup. So the firmware should know when  print job finished successfully, and so can flag an incomplete print job upon power up.. ,.. Maybe this exists.. but haven't come across it in my research to resume from print failure.

Postato : 12/04/2022 1:51 pm
New Member

An LED on the sensors back would tell you the state of the sensor. But it won't tell you, what the computer thinks about it. You will not know, e. g. when a cable is broken...

Questo post è stato modificato 2 years fa da Chris
Postato : 17/04/2022 9:28 am
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Hello cwbullet .

I am new to the forum. Excuse me, I would like to know how this changes the situation.

Postato : 19/04/2022 6:54 am
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

+1 for the 170 degree nozzle temp during bed leveling. I also would like to see a quicker way to return to the home position after a print without having to scroll two menus deep.

Postato : 22/04/2022 12:15 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @doctorg

+1 for the 170 degree nozzle temp during bed leveling. I also would like to see a quicker way to return to the home position after a print without having to scroll two menus deep.

Just FYI: To truly customize gcode in firmware will probably require a controller board with more capabilities than the current 8 bit board used on the Mk3 series. You can do those things today with some tweaks to your printer start and end gcode if you don't want to wait. I've got some notes on this topic here if you're interested.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 22/04/2022 3:06 pm
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Yeah, I could do it in gcode, just thought it would be a nice upgrade.

Postato : 23/04/2022 12:42 am
Steve DeGroof
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

It's a minor thing, but it'd be nice to have the "time remaining" display switch from hours and minutes to minutes and seconds once the time drops below one hour.

Postato : 21/05/2022 10:18 am
Antimix hanno apprezzato
Steve Lelievre
Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I'd like a configuration option for choosing to have the print head rise to maximum height after every print. It would give more clearance for removing the print sheet and also make it easier to check/clean the hot end.

Postato : 14/06/2022 2:06 am
Utenti Moderator
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Posted by: @steve-lelievre

I'd like a configuration option for choosing to have the print head rise to maximum height after every print. It would give more clearance for removing the print sheet and also make it easier to check/clean the hot end.

i'm pretty sure you can do that modifying the end-gcode from the printer profile 😉
not sure of the exact command though

I'm not an expert. Ma parlo anche italiano 😉

Postato : 14/06/2022 9:03 am
Famed Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I used to keep a simple .gcode file on the disks to raise the print head and move the build plate forward.

I quit using that, figuring it was less time and fewer clicks to simply press the control knob and spin it.

Postato : 14/06/2022 9:06 am
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