What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
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What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?  

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David H. Brown
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would like longer "thermal overrun" timeouts for 12V (Mk 2/2.5) models that can't keep up with the Mk 3's 24V hardware. Makes my 2.5S almost unusable in the winter 🙁

Posted : 08/12/2021 4:20 am
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Sean Roach
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Crash detection when the filament ties itself into a knot, before it starts affecting the resulting print. Yes, I know that's not a problem with Prusament and it's perfectly wound spools, generally.

Posted : 13/12/2021 12:06 am
Trusted Member

When using MMU, assign a name to each filament (Red, Blue, Black, etc) in slicer (instead of 1-5).  Then when starting the print, printer prompts for filament # for "Red", then filament # for "Blue".  Printer will then map the filament changes to the location dynamically.  Saves having to re-slice if filament locations change (or rearrange filaments in MMU to match the slice gcode file.

Second option would be to have printer show at the start of the print where it expects each filament name to be located in the MMU. 

Posted : 22/12/2021 8:36 pm
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

This was so helpful and informative 🙂

Posted : 26/12/2021 3:37 pm
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Reprint last file menu. 

(upon finishing print a question : Reprint file? Yes or No)  default No.


Posted : 20/01/2022 10:22 pm
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Posted by: @colokoye



Posted : 29/01/2022 5:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @colokoye


This is a pretty obvious spam account. Looking at the profile, they've embedded a bunch of keywords and a very dubious link in their intro. Reported.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 29/01/2022 6:39 pm
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Posted by: @jakub-dolezal-2

Hi guys,
as you know, we do not stop the development of our printers with their release. We keep improving both the hardware and especially the firmware. All you have to do is flash new firmware and your existing machine learns a few new tricks. Over the past years we’ve added many features that we can hardly imagine living without now, to name a few:

  • Support for remaining time estimation
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Sheet profiles
  • Customizable mesh bed leveling (7x7)
  • Linear Advance 1.5
  • Calibration using multiple filament types

Of course, it’s not just new features, but also bug fixes, tiny improvements and often changes invisible to the user, such as code optimizations and refactoring. Those are necessary to keep the firmware stable and maintainable in the long run.

We’ve reached a point where all the most requested features are now implemented and the firmware is extremely stable (thanks in part to the community feedback from beta versions, thank you!). As you know, our Original Prusa MINI+ is running on our 32-bit Buddy platform and our future printers will also be running 32-bit firmware. So part of our developer team is fully focused on that. And we’ve pushed the 8-bit platform quite close to its limits. With that said, we still have a bit of space left in the flash memory and we can be very creative when it comes to optimizations. 🙂 So that’s why we’re now asking you:

What feature/change would you like to see in the MK2.5/S & MK3/S/+ 8-bit firmware?

Our team has a couple of ideas:

  • Randomize print positions on the bed (prolongs sheet life)
  • More community translations
  • Individual object canceling/skipping
  • G-code compression (for print hosts/Prusa connect)
  • 170 °C during Mesh Bed Leveling like on the MINI+ (prevent dripping)

If you have features on your wishlist, please, let us know!


P.s.: Have you tried our latest stable firmware 3.10.0?

Been on the RC for a while, biggest improvement for me was the menu speed, I hated going to print from SD and clicking okay and if start the wrong print.

Also I print on a .8 sometimes so that’s nice if doesn’t throw a fit now.

It seems quieter like they say during that z calibration. I just use more points so it still takes about the same time.

Posted : 02/02/2022 3:51 pm
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Reprint last file (right after when print is finished) - so I can replace  the sheet and print another batch right away


Posted : 02/02/2022 4:51 pm
Illustrious Member

@martind it's already there - in the LCD menu - sort SD by time.


Posted : 02/02/2022 7:48 pm
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

@Diem No, it isn't. Not when @martind printed a file sliced a year ago. It would be great if one could have a library of presliced objects at ones fingertips, ready to print.

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Posted : 03/02/2022 6:10 am
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I did not meant last file like created. I meant last file printed.

Eg - I printed batch of caps, and I need more so the printer just after printing ask me if I want to print the same file again. So I select yes, change the sheet and voila - no need to go to menu

Posted by: @diem

@martind it's already there - in the LCD menu - sort SD by time.



Posted : 03/02/2022 6:15 am
Illustrious Member

It would be great if one could have a library of presliced objects at ones fingertips, ready to print.

It's straightforward to keep such a list on the nearest computer ... just download to an SD while the previous print is finishing then take it with you and switch cards at the end of the print  Then you take the previous card back to the computer and clear it ready for the next change ... if you want several reprints you just skip the change.


Posted : 03/02/2022 2:21 pm
Illustrious Member

Agree with Diem, its about being organised.  A list of presliced files you can print from,  thats what print from sd card IS.  If you want your more common ones easily accessible then just organise the card contents so that they are the ones you can get to first.
Put your common ones in a folder called 01. It would be the top in the list so its in, and select, print.  Add other folders to keep your gcode files in a neat format.
Its like anything that stores files, your pc, your bookshelf, your printer, if you dont keep things tidy it takes you longer to find what you want.  No amount of changes to the firmware is going to solve that.

Posted : 03/02/2022 2:46 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

And needless to say that anything like this looks awfully difficult—a polite way of saying impossible—to fit into the few bytes left in the firmware, which appears to be a common theme for many of the suggestions in this mega thread.

For something more polished, you may also want to explore third party tools such as Astroprint, which actually has a nice way to organize STLs and GCODEs.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 03/02/2022 2:56 pm
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Imagine that someone want to build a device that a certain point "handle" the filament waste from the nozzle.

With the Slicer it is possible to add an additional GCODE at color change that brings the head to the extreme left (or right) border outside the plate, where the device is mounted. But then ???? How to control and trigger the device ???

It would be nice to have some I2C commands in GCODE to control I2C board bus. 
Imagine that sending the bytes 55 01 in the I2C address 64 activate the device that clean up the nozzle, the GCODE could be like this....

G1 X254 Y66.5 F1500 ; 0
I2C00 // Init I2C Protocol
I2C01 64 // begin trasmission on Address 64
I2C02 55 // write byte value 55 at I2C address 64
I2C02 01 // write byte value 01 at I2C address 64
I2C03 // end transmission
I2C04 64 // Request from address 64
I2C05 01 wait until gets a byte from the I2C port.
//  Now it means the device is ready. Then continue GCODE process. 
// It is time to extrude the filament and so on.....
G1 E20 

That would be fantastic! 😍 

Posted : 03/02/2022 11:36 pm
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

@fuchsr I'm using Octoprint myself to send only the files to be printed and most importantly to do away with the SD card, but not everybody likes Octoprint.

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Posted : 04/02/2022 6:42 am
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

No disagreement from me! My point was simply that implementing it right is almost certainly more than what the available space on the board can handle, and other alternatives exist.

I admit I actually still have hopes for PrusaConnect to ever make it out of beta and blow me away. Yeah, I know, I'm a dreamer... And that PrusaConnect would have functionality similar to what you described.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 04/02/2022 12:59 pm
Trusted Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Yeah, separate object skip would be extremely cool

My opinion may not be right, but regret having so bad and right one too often.My models are things you can't see on any shelve. I create things that don't exist and that should be the…

Posted : 06/02/2022 5:38 pm
Trusted Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


is it possible to make a setting to automatically unload the filament after the print is finished (during the printing and/or in the Prusaslicer)?


I'm not always there when the print is finished to unload the filament right away (if I don't need it for a long time afterwards). I then have to manually select to unload the filament. It has to be reheated first. This usually takes too long for me and I cut the filament just above the extruder. As a result, I "waste" about 10 cm of filament.

But next time I have to heat it up again to be able to remove it. This also costs a bit of energy, which shouldn't be absolutely necessary.

Is there a solution for this or planned?

Thank you



Posted : 17/03/2022 9:28 am
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